November 13, 2024
Faith Family Reunion -
Prodigal Parent Ministry Training Report
Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Lemay, MO
Saturday, October 27, 2024 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Thirty-one (31) people registered to attend the Faith Family Reunion—Parents of Prodigal Ministry Training on Saturday, October 27th featuring Paula Isakson. Paula was a prodigal child for 25 years before she returned to her faith in Christ. The training was held at Gethsemane Lutheran Church in Lemay, Missouri. Family Shield selected this congregation because it has a Prodigal Promises Support Group that meets once a month.
The morning began with a devotion by Rev. Dr. Mark Femmel. He serves on the Family Shield Ministries Board of Directors, is the lead podcaster for Family Shield Ministries and pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in Maryland Heights, Missouri.
After Kay Meyer, the founder and president Emeritus, welcomed everyone, Pam Nummela, the Family Discipleship Facilitator for The Missouri District, shared greetings from the district with participants.
The Missouri District helped promote the training to LCMS congregations in the Missouri District. Paula Isakson, the founder of Faith Family Reunion, was then introduced and began her presentation.
All the participants received a copy of our newest booklet “Devotions for Prodigal Parents.”
Devotions for Prodigal Parents. What is a Prodigal Parent? Prodigal Parents are parents that raised their children in the Christian faith. But their children, now adults, have stopped attending church or left the faith. This happens for many and varied reasons. It might surprise you to know that you probably do know some parents who have Prodigal children. They are often concerned about their children’s lack of faith but say nothing to friends and relatives about it. Parents of Prodigals experience many emotions that may include anger, embarrassment, sadness, guilt, feeling all alone, and fear. What can you do if you are a Prodigal Parent? This valuable resource will encourage you in your walk with Christ as you pray and trust God for your prodigal child. Keep trusting the Lord! He walks with you.
Participants were actively engaged in answering questions Paula asked during the training. They shared their concerns, as well as their hopes and dreams, for their sons, daughters and grandchildren that no longer attend church and/or who have abandoned the faith. We prayed for them and encouraged them in their faith journey. We talked about ways to keep the communication lines open with our children. Everyone that attended was blessed, encouraged, and equipped! One parent shared, “This event encouraged and equipped me learn how to keep the communication lines open with my son. Thank you.”
We also had a display table with resources that participants could review or take as a gift from Family Shield. One was Kay Meyer’s book, “Witnessing—A Lifestyle.” And we had our booklet entitled: Let's Walk & Pray by Jane Haas.
Jeanette Kille, the co-founder of Prodigal Promises Support Group, brought books written by prodigals and parents of prodigals that the participants could review. They included:
- Never Too Late - Encouraging Faith in Your Adult Child by Rob Reinow,
- When You Love a Prodigal - 90 Days of Grace for the Wilderness by Judy Douglass,
- Prayers for Prodigals - 90 Days of Prayer for Your Child by James Banks,
- Prodigals and Those Who Love Them - Word of Encouragement for Those Who Wait by Ruth Bell Graham,
- The Gift of Empathy - Helping Others Feel Valued, Cared For, and Understood by Kenneth C. Haugk and Joel P. Bretscher and
- Trying to Understand Where they are Coming From
We also had a sample copy of the Faith Family Reunion Participants Guide and the Leaders Guide available for review. This is a small group Bible study that Paula and her father wrote.
Parents of Prodigals suffer the burden of children & grandchildren who have stopped participating in the life of the church and often resist the teaching and practice of God’s Word and God’s ways. Parents of Prodigals anxiously worry over their children who have gone astray. They often keep the fact that their children have left the faith quiet from friends and family. Where can they find help, support, and counsel for such burdens?
Paula Isakson was the presenter for the day-long training. After she recommitted her life to Christ, she began Faith Family Reunion (FFR) with her father, an LCMS pastor. Faith Family Reunion merged with Family Shield Ministries in March of 2023. Click here to watch a video that LHM produced some years ago that shares her story.
Family Shield Ministries (FSM) is a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. In 2024 we celebrate our 30th anniversary.
The vision:
We are Christians who care about families and the gospel, transforming lives now and for eternity.
The mission:
We care about families growing in Christ; and equip them to witness to each other and to the world.
Some topics that were addressed at the training included: Unconditional Love and Our Prodigals, Communication with our Prodigals, Dealing with Loss, How to Pray for Our Prodigals, How to Connect with Our Prodigals, Creating Community with other Parents, Why Forgiveness is So Important, and Dealing with Hurt and Guilt.
Family Shield has produced many podcasts for Prodigal Parents. We also have a new Faith Family Reunion brochure that features new resources. Learn more about our resources for Prodigal Parents here:
Also check out the Faith Family Reunion link on our website:
Family Shield also has a podcast that shares how to begin a support group/Bible study for prodigal parents. It features Scott and Dawn Mueller. Listen to it here:
Family Shield Ministries thanks The Oscar & Keturah Haab Foundation for the grant that made this important training possible! Learn more about Family Shield Ministries at: familyshieldministries.org.
Radio Programs, Podcast Topics, and Guests
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Topic: Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry-Part One
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Guest Host: Rev. Mark Femmel
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Topic: Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry-Part Two
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Archive Topic: Advent and the Christmas Season
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Host: Kay Meyer
December 3-9
Topic: I Want Him to Want Me
Guest: Sheri Mueller
Guest Host: Rev. Mark Femmel
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Archive Topic: Christmas and the Angels
Guest: Dr. Ronald Rall
Host: Kay Meyer
December 17-22
Topic: Imagine Heaven
Guest: Dr. John Burke
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December 23-30
Archive Topic: Family Shield Christmas Special
Guest: Rev. Derek Paetow
Host: Kay Meyer
December 31-January 7
Topic: Imagine the God of Heaven
Dr. John Burke
Guest Host: Rev. Mark Femmel
January 2025
January 8-14
Archive Topic: Ministering to the Grieving
Guest: Daniel Verkoyan
Host: Kay Meyer
January 15-21
Topic: Lies I Taught in Medical School
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Guest Host: Rev. Mark Femmel
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Archive Topic: 5-Minute Bible Studies for Couples
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Host: Kay L. Meyer
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Topic: Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry-Part Three
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Guest Host: Rev. Mark Femmel
"Give as freely as you have received." (Matthew 10:8)