
Helping families
Helping families to apply faith to life.
Sharing the hope
Sharing the hope of the Gospel with families.
Empowering parents
Empowering parents to
lead their families in Christ.
Encouraging families
Encouraging families to grow together in Christ.
Equipping families
Equipping families to grow in
the knowledge of God's Word.

What is Family Shield?

The name Family Shield Ministries comes from Ephesians 6:16,
“Take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”

The Lord created the family and his church as the foundation of our society, but many families today are in crisis, or don’t know Christ. Family Shield Ministry’s mission is to educate and equip people through the power of the Gospel and to know Christ, grow in His Word, and strengthen individuals and their families.

Our podcasts, radio programs, and newsletters offer practical information to help families solve life’s problems from a Christian perspective. We strive to feature experts who can offer life-changing resources, and motivational, relevant, Biblical help for people struggling and in need of encouragement and hope. We invite you to join hands with us as we encourage and equip families to live in the hope of Christ.

Latest Podcast

Lies I Taught in Medical School

Lies I Taught in Medical School

Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, so taking care of these temples is part of our worship of God, especially as the people around us are better off if we are healthy, energized, and engaged. We also need to model healthy behaviors for the little people entrusted to our care. With this conversation, Dr. Robert Lufkin shares healthy ...

Latest Featured Book

Lies I Taught in Medical School by Dr. Robert Lufkin

Lies I Taught in Medical School

Modern medicine is lying to you. Discover the true science behind chronic diseases—and implement an actionable plan to restore your health and longevity once and for all. For the first ...

Latest Newsletter

What's Next?

March 2025 Newsletter

What's Next for Family Shield Ministries? While we were working on her retirement plans, Family Shield's beloved leader, Kay Meyer, went to be with her Savior on December 9, 2024. Needless to say, for believers this is often bittersweet news. Kay did a lot of work on her own out ...
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Family Shield Ministries is a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) of the LC-MS.


To learn more about ministries or services, please contact us:

Family Shield Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 8571
St. Louis, MO 63126
