“Look-a newborn baby! Isn’t he precious! How old is he? What’s his name? Have you ever noticed how many people open up and talk to strangers when they see babies … More
Mom was in the hospital. It was serious. But, as usual, she wasn’t thinking about herself, but was thinking about her family. “Kay, did I tell you that Diane Winterer … More
This is Coreen Jander, your host for today. My guest for today is Arlene Pellicane, author of Parents Rising: Eight Strategies for Raising Kids Who Love God, Respect Authority, and Value What’s Right. Arlene has written seven books and has appeared on the Today Show, Focus on the Family, and Fox and Friends among other major media outlets.
Would you agree with me that Christ-centered family ministry is needed today more than ever before? You don’t need to look far to understand why Family Shield’s work is needed. God’s Word and Christianity are under attack. Biblical marriage is under attack. Life issues are under attack. God’s Word tells us as Christians that we must stand firm, from Ephesians 6:14, and use God’s Word, which is the sword of the Spirit.
“My younger sister, who lived hundreds of miles from us, was depressed. Mom had told me she had even threatened to commit suicide. I’d prayed, asking God to help me … More
Paul is a good husband and father. He has attended church with his wife, Joanne, almost every Sunday for 28 years. But Paul does not believe in Christ. Close family … More
A spiritual battle rages in families within and outside of the church. Satan is firing missiles (Eph. 6:16) at us every day! God’s Word encourages us to stand firm against … More
Sharing the Gospel message of Jesus Christ is at the core of Family Shield Ministries’ work in the ripe and plentiful harvest. Each year we respond to more than 6,000 … More
Divorce effects every aspect of your life, emotional, spiritual, and physical. According to Donna Pyle, author of Without This Ring, it feels like amputation without anesthetic. Probably the hardest part to grasp about the whole process of divorce is wondering what happened to the person you thought you married, the plans you made together, and the dreams you shared.