Every person who has ever lived has wondered about the place beyond mortality. Shakespeare called it the undiscovered country. God’s word tells us about our souls — our bodies in … More
Do you have a family member or friend who is a Mormon that you want to share your faith with? How do you begin? What are some do’s and do … More
An unfamiliar car parks near your house and two nice-looking people approach your front door. Your doorbell rings and after exchanging some pleasantries your unexpected guests offer you literature from the Watchtower Society. What will you say? What should you say?
What do cuddly purple dinosaurs, an ark with long necked giraffes, abortion, cave formations millions of years old, fossil fuels, dragon legends, and stars a billion light years away have … More
You’ve heard about parties but have you ever considered organizing a block party for outreach? How could your church or church group organize a block party and use it to … More