From Atheist to Christian

Atheist to Christian

From Atheist to Christian

By admin / November 26, 2019

Why are many of our teenagers and young adults becoming atheists or agnostics in today’s world? And why would an atheist become a Christian? Join us today as I interview … More

Learning from Peter-a Church Leader

Learning from Peter-a Church Leader

By admin / November 19, 2019

The apostle Peter was an impulsive fisherman when Jesus selected him to be one of his disciples. Peter, even after he became one of the 12 disciples, didn’t always think … More

What is Wicca? How Can We Shield Our Loved Ones?

By admin / November 12, 2019

What is Wicca? Why does Wicca, or witchcraft attract so many converts? What should we do if our daughter, wife, or another loved one gets involved? What are some of … More

Building a Positive Relationship with a Jehovah's Witness

Building a Positive Relationship with a Jehovah’s Witness

By admin / November 5, 2019

How do we build a positive relationship with a Jehovah’s Witness? What about family members and loved ones that become involved in the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society? How can … More