Family Devotions for the Home

Family Devotions

Family Devotions for the Home

By admin / January 28, 2020

What is faith formation for children and youth? Why is it important that parents teach their children who God is and what He’s done for them? What advice would you … More

Why I Left the Mormon Church

Why I Left the Mormon Church

By admin / January 21, 2020

Sandra Tanner was raised as a Mormon and is the great-great granddaughter of Brigham Young. When she started college she began asking questions in a Mormon religious instructional class because … More

Building a Positive Relationship with a Jehovah's Witness

Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses

By admin / January 15, 2020

Maybe you’ve tried to share your faith with a loved one or friend who was a Jehovah’s Witness but don’t understand their teachings and beliefs. They believe themselves to be … More

Restoring America

The State of the Family, the Church, and the Government in the US

By admin / January 7, 2020

The United States became a unique, prosperous and admired Nation because of its faith in God and willingness of the people to abide by principles and standards of God’s word. … More

Witnessing to Mormons

Witnessing to Mormons: Learning What Mormons Believe About Baptism for the Dead

By admin / January 1, 2020

Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Mormon, a Christian denomination or not? What do Mormons believe and teach that are different from the Body of Christ? What … More