Building Strong Marriages

Building Strong Marriages

Building Strong Marriages

By admin / August 24, 2020

How is your marriage doing? Would you like to make it stronger? What tricks make marriages survive and become successful? Join us today as I interview Rev. Roger Sonnenberg. Our … More

Dealing with Anger

Dealing with Anger

By admin / August 18, 2020

Anger is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences. What causes you to become angry? How do you deal with your anger? God has a lot to say about anger. … More

Child Milestones

Milestones and Stepping Stones for Children and Families in Congregations

By admin / August 11, 2020

How can congregations encourage parents, grandparents and godparents to celebrate milestones in a child’s faith walk? What can congregations do to partner with the home? Join us today as I … More

Importance of Father-Son Relationship

The Importance of the Father-Son Relationship

By admin / August 4, 2020

God’s plan for the family is that children will be raised by a loving and involved mother and father. Statistics document that children with active and involved fathers are more … More