What is foster care? Why might people want to become foster parents? Can people adopt children or youth through the Foster Care Program in the United States? What challenges do … More
What should we say to Jehovah’s Witnesses that come to our door, to those we meet at work, or to those who hand out Watchtower literature to us at the … More
April 21, 2022 Proclaim the Resurrection! Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Salome, Joanne, and the other women (Luke 24:10) quietly walked through the darkness just before sunrise, toward … More
Lent is the time to remember the suffering Jesus endured to pay for our sins. In John 19:30 Jesus said, “It is finished.” Then He bowed His head and gave … More
April 7, 2022 Help Us Move Mountains for Christ! Dear Family Shield Friend, Thank you for sharing your time, talents, and treasures with us! You are special and we appreciate … More