Mom was in the hospital. It was serious. But, as usual, she wasn’t thinking about herself, but was thinking about her family. “Kay, did I tell you that Diane Winterer works at this hospital? Dad and I saw her in the emergency room the day I was admitted. You haven’t seen each other in almost 30 years. Why don’t you go downstairs right now and see if you can talk to her?” I did go downstairs. Diane and I had a quick, but enjoyable reunion.
My mother, Eunice Schoenberger, passed away from death to everlasting life (John 5:24) on May 5, 1998. She was a mother who shared her faith with her husband of 56 years, my older sister, me, my younger sister, eight grandchildren, one great-grandson, two step-grandchildren, and hundreds of family members and friends. She lived 77 years before entering into the heavenly Kingdom.
God’s Word exhorts parents and grandparents to share their faith with the next generation. “Listen, O my people, to my instructions; incline your ears to the words of my mouth…We will not conceal them from our children, but tell the next generation to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and the wondrous works that He has done. For He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers, that they should teach them to their children, That the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, That they may arise and tell them to their children. That they should put their confidence in God.” (Psa. 78:1-7)
My prayer is that this article will encourage families to share their faith! As I thought about my mother, several key phrases stood out. I want to share them with you.
Mom was always there for all of us! She was always available and involved in her family’s lives. She never worked outside of the home, but she was always actively involved with family, friends, and in the community.
She showed her love through words and actions. When we were young she was our Brownie and Girl Scout leader, a room mother, and a Sunday school teacher. Her involvement and love didn’t change as we grew up and began having families of our own.
Family was always top priority! She was an involved wife, mother, and grandmother. Until a few years ago, mom would have the entire family over for dinner at least twice a month! Yes, I said twice a month! These family gatherings included three daughters, their husbands, 8 grandchildren, and more recently the granddaughter’s husband and children.
She used her spiritual gifts in service to others. Her spiritual gifts included service, hospitality, and administration. She was extremely organized and chaired many committees and projects over the years.
She knew Christ as her Savior and talked about her relationship with Him regularly. Mom wasn’t perfect, but she knew she was forgiven! She didn’t just share her faith with her family, but with others as well. She taught Sunday School for more years than I can remember, she was an active prayer chain member, attended Bible studies, and offered help to neighbors and friends.
She was confident of her eternal life. Mom was only ill for about seven weeks. Following her surgery, she said, “Kay, I’ll fight to live for my family, but I want you to know I’m not afraid to die. I know where I’m going when I die and I’m not afraid. Heaven is a much better place!”
She was involved in the community. Mom was not only active in the lives of her family, she was also active in the community. She and my father, Joseph Schoenberger, were active in many community organizations.
I praise and thank God for my mother! I’m thankful she was always there for me. I am thankful for her love! And most of all, I’m thankful that she shared her faith with me! This is God’s plan! He wants us to share God’s Word and our faith with our families! Don’t wait! Share your faith today!
“And these words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your sons (and daughters) and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” (Deut. 6:6-9)