Barriers, Obstacles, and Objections to Witnessing

Barriers, Obstacles, and Objections to Witnessing

“Sharon left you? I don’t know why you’re so surprised and upset Eric. I told you to get your life in order and begin going to church, but you never listened to me! Every weekend you were off hunting and drinking with your buddies. Now maybe you’ll listen to my advice!”

The above is an example of how some Christians cause barriers when they try to witness. They project an attitude of insensitivity or superiority. They may think they are witnessing, but are actually preaching “the law” or “good works.” When we say, “Go to church and everything will be all right, stop smoking, drinking, or whatever, we are not sharing the love and forgiveness Christ offers us, we are not witnessing effectively!

Yes, we need to hear the law to recognize our sin, but unbelievers also need to know Jesus died for every sin they have committed in the past and sins they may commit in the future! How often we hear, “After I’ve cleaned up my life. I’ll consider faith in Christ.” When we hear this we should respond, “If you are trying to clean up your life without Christ, you will fail.” Tell them forgiveness and eternal life is ours through faith in Christ. This is Good News everyone will want to hear!

For those Christians who are reading this and thinking, doesn’t she know we must witness by the way we live. Yes, when we live a life that reflects and glorifies God, unbelievers will be drawn to us. However, we must also be prepared to answer questions such as, “Would you pray for me?” “Tell me about this God you trust so much.” “Do you really believe the Bible is God’s Word?” When we live our faith we become salt and light in the world, people will see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. (Matt. 5”16)

As we witness, we must remember, no one can come to faith by seeling our good works unless they also hear the Gospel message of God’s love in Christ Jesus. God’s word says, “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation.” We have forgiveness and eternal life as a free gift from God because of Christ’s sacrifice for us.

Other barriers include misunderstandings about what it means to be a Christian. Satan has deceived many into believing they are saved by their good works, instead of through grace and the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Others think if you believe in God or go to church you are a Christian. Believing in God and going to church does not make someone a Christian. God’s Word tells us, “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name (Jesus) under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12) A Christian is someone who has salvation (sometimes referred to as eternal life or being born again) because of their faith in Christ.

Now, what about objections raised when you are trying to share the Gospel message of Christ with unbelievers? Many objections are raised including:

  • I don’t believe in God.
  • I don’t believe the Bible is inspired by God or relevant to my life.
  • Church bores me. I don’t get anything out of it, so why should I bother to go?
  • All religions are the same. What difference does it make which church I attend?

Remember, we can’t argue a person into heaven or convince them to believe or have faith. We might win the argument, but lose the soul. It is God’s word, the Gospel, and the Holy Spirit that converts individuals, not us.

Some people raise objections because they want to get you off a subject making them very uncomfortable. At other times objections are raised because the person truly wants an answer. Rely upon the Holy Spirit to guide and direct you. Recall Col. 4:5, 6 “Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity, Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned, as it were, with salt, so that you may know how you should respond to each person.”

Many issues must be accepted by faith. We will not always have an answer, nor should we always try to answer all questions individuals raise as we try to share the Gospel. Sometimes, we must just speak the Gospel and God’s Word.

Some objections can be addressed. One objection some find hard to address is when someone says, “I don’t believe the Bible is inspired by God.” Certainly one approach is to just use the word of God anyway. But, what else might we share when someone raises this objection? Consider sharing the following:

  1. Prophecies and their fulfillment in Christ. Most people do not understand the importance of prophecies. Explain prophecies are predictions by prophets of God recorded in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament. The prophets shared details concerning Christ’s life written hundreds and thousands of years before his birth.When responding to this objection, quote two or three of them from memory, or look several up together. A few samples are listed below:
  • A virgin will bear a son and we will call him Emmanuel. OT: Isa. 7:14 / NT: Matt. 1:18
  • Out of Egypt OT Hos. 11:1 / NT: Matt. 2:14
  • Despised and rejected by men OT: Isa. 53:3 / NT: John 1:11
  • The king comes riding a donkey OT: Zec. 9:9 / NT: John 12:13-14
  • A close friend will betray him OT: Ps. 41:9 / NT: Mk. 14:10
  • Sold for thirty pieces of silver OT: Zec. 11:12 / NT: Matt. 26:15
  • Did not open his mouth OT: Isa. 53:7 / NT: Matt. 26:62-63
  1. Why does the Bible Continue to Survive? The Bible has been the most maligned and hated book throughout history, yet it continues to be the number one best selling book in the world. God is behind its survival!
  2. The Bible Has Amazing Unity. It includes sixty-six books written over thousands of years by thirty-nine men from various walks of life. Yet all the pieces fit perfectly. God is behind its unity.
  3. The Bible Has Power to Change Lives. Tell them about Christ and what He has done for you. Tell them about others whose lives have been changed as they read the Bible. Explain God can change their lives too. Encourage them to read it and see for themselves.

Barriers, obstacles and objections will continue to arise as we witness for Christ. When they do, recall 1 Peter 3:15, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reasons for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…” May God grant us His wisdom as we live our faith and learn to witness for Him!