Books Featured on Podcast

How to Rescue your Loved One from the Watchtower

Each year thousands of husbands, wives, sons and daughters are converted by Jehovah’s Witnesses through their so-called free home Bible study. This book tells exactly what to do to rescue them from the JWs. The main point to remember when a loved one first starts getting involved with Jehovah’s Witnesses is to avoid delay. But, unless you are thoroughly versed on the Watchtower Society and well trained as a debater, the JWs will shoot you down on every point. This book helps you: (1) Plan your strategy and learn techniques that work. (2) Collect convincing evidence. (3) Present your material in the proper manner at the appropriate time. (4) Become familiar with the tools you’ll need. An unusual and valuable feature is the inclusion of pages from Watchtower publications which demonstrate falsehoods and inconsistencies in Jehovah’s Witness doctrine. DAVID A. REED spent 13 years as an active Jehovah’s Witness, serving as an elder and as the JW equivalent of a local pastor. Reading the Bible itself led him to Christ. He has authored more than a dozen books, including Answering Jehovah’s Witnesses Subject by Subject and the popular Jehovah’s Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse. His web sites on this topic include and

by David A. Reed