Books Featured on Podcast

Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry

Starting a youth ministry, or trying to help one thrive, comes with a lot of questions. The LCMS Office of Youth Ministry has spent years understanding how you can better your youth group through studies, focus groups, and speaking with the members of thriving LCMS youth groups. Through their dedication, they’ve come up with the Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry to help you in your journey to revamping or creating a thriving youth ministry at your church.

These tips are not meant to be a guidebook, but rather, to show you how to focus on the opportunity, people, environment, and home lives that your congregation needs for youth to thrive. This includes understanding how to engage parents, give opportunities for youth to serve and lead, and create a warm, challenging, and gracious environment.

By the end, you’ll see that, while difficult, the task is worth the team effort and is possible for any congregation.

by Julianna Shults