Books Featured on Podcast

The Art of Teaching the Faith: Preschool through High School

This book is for everyone who teaches the faith to kids! Whether you teach the faith at home or in a church Sunday school, whether you’re a church professional or volunteer. We want to educate our people to the best of our ability, but first, we need to know how they learn best at each stage of life because it affects how we teach them effectively. This book takes current brain and education research and easily applies it to teaching the faith for students from preschool through high school. How do preschool children learn best? How do you get the middle schoolers engaged? What’s the best way to have an effective high school Bible study? What’s Bible Inquiry and how do you introduce it? This book gives information and encouragement for every stage of teaching the faith to kids: Narrative (Preschool through 2nd grade), Knowledge (3rd through 5th grades), Understanding (6th through 8th grades), Reason (9th through 12th grades), and Wisdom (adult). (There’s a separate book for adults.) Whether you teach kindergarteners or teenagers, this book is what you’ve been waiting for. It will give you confidence that whatever curriculum you have; you can use it to its fullest. It is time to set aside the dry read-a-story-and-paste-paper-together lesson and the-answer-couldn’t-be-more-obvious questions and begin something that will be meaningful to each person at every grade level, from preschool through high school.

by Laura Langhoff Arndt