December 8, 2022

Merry Christmas!
The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they shall call Him Immanuel which means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23).
Dear Family Shield Friend,
Soon we’ll again celebrate Christmas, the birth of our Savior and Lord. In the Bible verse above we are told that Mary was with child and was a virgin. And we learn that Immanuel means, “God with us.” Two important messages about our Savior that we can share with family and friends during the Christmas season.
Christmas is a great time to tell others about our Savior and Lord. Christmas music can help us share our faith with those who might not yet know Jesus and encourage those who do know Him. One of my favorite Christmas songs is:
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the newborn King;
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!"
Joyful, all ye nations, rise,
Join the triumph of the skies;
With th' angelic host proclaim,
"Christ is born in Bethlehem!"
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the newborn King!"
How do you share your faith in Christ during the holidays? One of my favorite memories when our three children were growing up was going Christmas caroling with families and friends from our congregation. Not only were we enjoying time together, but we were also sharing our faith in Christ with those we visited.
Family Shield Ministries continues to proclaim the gospel and God’s Word, strengthens individuals and their families for Christ, shares the Lord’s forgiveness and love for all people, and reaches and transforms those who do not yet know Christ.
Thank you for your prayers and support! Your support makes our work in the ripe and plentiful harvest possible.
A Message from an LCMS Pastor
Our congregation has been a supporter of Family Shield Ministries for many years and has had Kay Meyer speak to our Bible study classes. Why do we support Family Shield when there are so many different groups and organizations that we could support? Because the primary goal of Family Shield builds up and preserves individuals and families in Christ by providing resources and information that does just that—helps them know Christ.
It is often said that the family is the building block of society. That is quite true. For that reason alone, it is important to support families in Christ.
Moreover, when it comes to the care of the pinnacle of God’s creation, human life, what institution did God create first? He did not first create civil governments or even the Church. No, God created marriage and the family as the first and primary institution to provide care and love for His beloved human creatures. That is why we believe it is critically important to support families in Christ and thus also support Family Shield Ministries in their efforts to reach and equip families for Christ. You can read more stories of those we reach and equip here: https://familyshieldministries.com/those-weve-touched/.
We encourage you to support us through your prayers. Pray that the Lord would guide and direct us as we continue reaching beyond the walls of the church with the gospel. Pray that more Christians learn about our work. And support us with a one-time financial gift, a monthly gift of any amount, or by putting us in your will or estate. Whether large or small, your gift allows us to reach those that do not yet know Jesus and equip Christians to serve and witness in their daily lives.
May Jesus, whose name is above all names, bless and keep you in His care!
In His Service and yours,

Kay L. Meyer,
President & Host

Rev. Mark Frith
Radio Programs, Podcast Topics, and Guests
with host, Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
Advent and the Christmas Season
November 15-21
Guest: Dr. Mary Manz Simon
Opening Your Church Doors to the Community
November 22-28
Guest: Rev. Terry Tieman, author of Hinges
Behold, I'm Coming Soon!
November 29-December 4
Guest: Rev. Bruce McKenny
Reclaiming Home
December 5-11
Guest: Kristen Gilbert
Unwrapping the Names of Jesus
December 12-18
Guest: Asheritah Ciuciu, Author
How Do Other Cultures Celebrate Christmas?
December 19-26
Guest: Rolando Hinojosa
Meaningful Outreach: An Essential Guide for Churches
December 27-January 2, 2023
Guest & Author: Rev. Mark Wood
Host: Rev. Mark Frith, FSM Board Chairman
Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours - Family Shield Ministries
January 3-9, 2023
Guest: Dr. Kevin Leman, author
Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses
Guests: Rev. Matthew Fenn & Daniel Verkoeyen
Five Minute Bible Studies: For Couples
Guest: Rev. Randy Hunter
Limping With God: Jacob & The Old Testament Guide to Messy Discipleship
Guest: Chad Bird
Building a Family of Faith: Simple and Fun Devotions to draw you close to each other and nearer to God.
Guest: Andy Cooley