January 26, 2023

Dear Friend and Spiritual Warrior,
Thank you for your prayers and support! This is the letter we send to those who tell us they are interested in learning more about our work. Would you read it and then share it with a friend for us?
Family Shield Ministries was founded in 1994 and is a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The name is based on Eph. 6:16 that says, “Take up the shield of faith."
Our vision:
We are Christians who care about families and the gospel,
transforming lives now and for eternity.
Our mission:
We care about families growing in Christ and equip them to witness to each other and to the world.
Our goals include:
- Clearly articulating the Gospel that those who do not know Christ might come to faith.”
- Equipping Christians to apply faith to life situations, grow in the knowledge of God’s Word, and use their gifts to serve and witness in the home, church, and community;
- Connecting people to resources;
- Developing partnership and collaborations; and
- Helping individuals and their families implement the six traits that build strong, healthy families.
The educational and evangelism services include: the weekly Family Shield radio program heard on more than 50 radio stations throughout the United States; the weekly podcast available at: https://familyshieldministries.com/category/podcast/; educational programs on family life, spiritual growth, learning to witness; the counter-cult ministry that helps equip family members and Christians to witness to Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons; and promoting, producing and connecting people to Christ-centered resources. Our programs and services proclaim Jesus Christ as the only means of salvation (Acts 4:12) and that we are saved by faith alone in Christ (John 3:16, Eph. 2:8,9).
Family Shield continues to strengthen and expand its ministries through partnerships and collaboration with like-minded gospel-focused ministries.
Ongoing financial support allows us to share Christ beyond the walls of the church and help build strong, healthy families for Christ. Your prayers, volunteer service, and financial support allow us to continue the outreach, and equipping services. Gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Prayer partners and supporters allow us to reach people like “Larry.” He was interested in learning about God, so he began listening to Christian radio. There he learned, for the first time, that Jesus loved him, suffered in his place, and is his Savior. It took months, but he finally placed his faith in Christ. We referred him to a local congregation in his community and helped get him connected to Christian resources that helped him with his needs. Today he is a committed Christian who is active in his congregation and volunteers as a youth leader.
And supporters allowed us to equip “Barb.” She attended a Family Shield Witnessing—a Lifestyle seminar and requested prayer for her husband who is not a Christian. And “Sara” who called to ask for prayer for her and her husband who are going through marital issues.
“Christine” is a single mom trying to raise three young children to know and love Jesus. She listens to the podcast each week and told us, “The program is a lifeline of hope and help. It always encourages me in my faith.”
We prayed and ministered to these individuals, as well as thousands of others. Thank you for joining hands with us as we proclaim the saving Gospel message and reach and equip individuals and their families for Christ!
Your prayers and support allow us to accomplish our mission and continue to expand our work in the ripe and plentiful harvest. Your prayers and support can make an eternal difference in the lives of those we reach and equip. You are special. Thank you for caring. May God bless you and give you His peace.
In His Service and yours,

Kay L. Meyer,
President & Host
Radio Programs, Podcast Topics, and Guests
with host, Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
Learning About Your Spiritual Gifts
January 9-15
with Kay Meyer
Reaching Jehovah's Witnesses for Christ
January 16-22
Guests: Rev. Matthew Fenn and Daniel Verkoeyen
Growing Up Social: Raising Relational Kids in a Screen Driven World
January 23-30
Guest: Arlene Pelicane
Limping with God: Jacob & The Old Testament Guide to Messy Discipleship
January 31-February 6
Guest: Chad Bird
Dealing with Depression
January 7-13
Guest: Dr. Richard Winter
Opening Your Church Doors to the Community
February 14-21
Guest: Rev. Terry Tieman
Five-Minute Bible Studies for Couples
February 22-27
Guest: Rev. Randy Hunter
Dealing with Grief
with Daniel Verkoeyen
Simple and Fun Devotions to Draw You Close to Each Other and Nearer to God.
Guest: Andy Cooley
Spiritual Warrior's Monthly Giving Club
Family Shield Ministries Spiritual Warrior’s Monthly Giving Club includes donors who give a gift each month. They are recognized annually in the newsletter and on our radio & podcast program. You can become part of this by sending a donation each month. Sign up to give a specific amount through your bank or by giving on the website at familyshieldministries.com.
The following Family Shield friends are some of our Spiritual Warriors:
Janice McCreary, Patricia B., Connie Eller, Rev. Ron Nelson, Debra Greve, Katrina Kadlec and Larry Abbe. Thank you!