April 7, 2022

Help Us Move Mountains for Christ!
Thank you for sharing your time, talents, and treasures with us! You are special and we appreciate your prayers and support!
Family Shield Ministries educational and evangelism services include: the radio program and podcast, the follow up services, the Counter Cult Ministry, the mentoring-missionary work, educational programs and resources that reach, equip, and transform people who hear the gospel of Christ.
During our strategic planning process, we changed our vision and mission statement. One conclusion from the planning process was that to impact individuals and transform them and their families, we need to do more one-on-one mentoring and training for those we serve, especially those who are unchurched or do not yet know Christ.
Family Shield’s Mentoring-Missionary Program
During the pandemic, our mentoring process has been successful in equipping people to grow in faith. To best explain how our mission focus is carried out, please allow me to share with you an example of our ministry in action.
Jeanette is a mother we mentored by phone during the pandemic. She was referred to us by an an LCMS pastor in Pittsburgh who knew about Family Shield’s work in helping families whose children are involved in cults. Her 24 year-old daughter was involved in a controlling cult and her mom knew she needed help. She was unchurched but understood she was a sinner. She wanted to help her daughter and also learn more about God. We shared the saving Gospel message. She had gone through challenges. We prayed with her and asked the Lord to heal her and help her let go of her anger. The second time we spoke, she was calm and very interested in learning more about the Lord and His Word. She thought she was saved through her good works. She was amazed when we explained that we don't have to do good works to be saved. We are saved by faith alone in Christ. She told us she had never heard this before.
She asked us to share Bible verses about this topic. We did. She grew in faith, completed several Bible studies with us, and listened to Family Shield radio programs/podcasts we recommended. She began doing a daily devotion with her daughter and they read the Bible together. We remained in contact with Jeanette.
Jeanette’s daughter became very depressed in 2020. In 2021, her daughter realized she had been involved with a cult and needed help. Jeannette encouraged her to contact Family Shield Ministries. She called and asked for our help. She now understood the cult taught false biblical beliefs. She was concerned that, because of their false teachings, she may not really be a Christian. She asked that we help mentor her and help her grow in faith. We said, “YES!”
A Family Shield Ministry mentor met weekly by phone with Jasmine who shared that she carried a lot of guilt because of her past sins. She said, “They (the cult organizational leaders) told us that if we confessed our sins, but then sinned again, we were not really sorry and we were not forgiven.” She said they taught her she could stop sinning. Many times, her Family Shield mentor talked with her about why Jesus suffered and died for us and that he died for ALL our sins. They discussed how we cannot be perfect or without sin and read Romans 8:1, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Jasmine’s mentor asked her to listen to a few of our podcasts, including “It’s All About Jesus” and “Learning about God and His Word.” She also did several Bible studies with us.
The last time Jasmine spoke with us, she said, “I feel so much better. I feel content for the first time in so long! I was living in fear every day because of what they had taught me. Now I know Jesus loves me and will forgive me when I confess my sins. Thank you so much!”
Please join us in praying for those who contact us and our work in the ripe and plentiful harvest.
Prayer prompts to help us move mountains! Join us in praying:
- That the Lord would bless our Board members and especially the new Board members: Rev. Dr. Donald Johnson and Rev. Alexander Schrader.
- That the financial support needed to continue the radio ministry, podcast and the Counter Cult Ministry continue to be available.
- That we can raise the needed financial support to expand the mentoring-missionary work and to hire a qualified development director.
Your prayers and support are so important! Your gift of $2,000, $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or $____ on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis allow us to proclaim the saving Gospel message and reach individuals and their families for Christ. Thank you again for your support!
May our Savior continue to bless and keep you and your family in His care.
In His Service and yours,

Radio Programs, Podcast Topics, and Guests
with host, Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
Lent and Today's Families
March 15-21
Guests: Mark Sengele and Julie Baumler
Reaching Jews for Christ
March 22-28
Guest: David Brickner, Executive Director, Jews for Jesus
Learn more at www.jewsforjesus.org
The Last Words of Christ
March 29-April 4
Guest: Rev. John Cain
Jesus and Prayer
April 5-11
Guest: Rev. Tim Scharr
The Family Shield 2022 Easter Special
April 11-18
Guest: Rev. Doug Griebenaw, Mission Advocate for KFUO Radio of the LCMS
What Do I Say to Jehovah's Witnesses?
April 19-24
Guest: Brian Pope, author
Foster Care Children & Adoption
April 25-May 2
Guest: Jennie Schroll, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Responding to Atheists
May 3-9
Guest: Dr. Ron Rhodes
Joining Jesus as a Family
by Greg and Susan Finke
Generations Legacy
Please consider participating in Family Shield Ministries Generations Legacy program. Plan to leave a gift to help future generations come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord. If you have already put Family Shield Ministries into your will or estate, please let us know so we can recognize you.
Did you know you can give an estate gift without changing your will or trust? And that you can turn a life insurance policy over to the ministry that you no longer need? You might also consider a transfer from your IRA if you are 70 ½ years of age or older. We would be happy to connect you to an LCMS Foundation Counselor or a Thrivent Financial representative that specializes in estate planning who can assist you with your plans.
Family Shield Ministries, Inc, is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and is recognized for tax-deductible giving by the federal government. It is also a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. You can give by sending a donation or through our website at www.familyshieldministries.com.