Faith that Engages the Culture

Faith that Engages the Culture

Faith that Engages the CultureAs Christians we’re called to lovingly enter into conversations about our Savior with neighbors and those we meet in our daily life. It might be the person behind us at a coffee shop, someone we meet on a flight across the country, or a family member or friend. The call to shine the light of Christ allows us to share His love with those who desperately need to hear the news that the sweet life transforming gospel is given from God to them. We do this because God loved us first. Rev. Dr. Alfonso Espinosa’s new book Faith that Engages the Culture will help us learn how to speak with the people God puts in our lives and share the life-saving Word of God with them. Join us today as I visit with Rev. Espinosa. He’s the pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Irvine, California, serves as the vice chair on the board for National Mission of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and his bio says his most cherished service is being husband to his wife, Tracy, and a father and a grandfather.