I Want Him to Want Me

I Want Him to Want Me

I Want Him to Want MeWelcome back to Family Shield Ministries listeners. It is a privilege and a delight to have a little bit of your time today. My name is Mark Femmel, Pastor here in St Louis and with Family Shield Ministries. I came across a book by somebody that I’m very excited to share with you today–Sheri Mueller. She is an incredible blessing because she put a book that addresses the pain that 30% of wives are silently struggling with. 30% of wives are critically unhappy in their relationship in their marriage because of the one thing we’re going to talk about. Now that doesn’t just mean the wives are upset; there are a lot of guys I don’t have this decision for that; Sheri might. But a lot of guys are also unhappy with this. So this is an opportunity for guys, for gals, husbands and wives, to be able to figure out how to itch the itch they cannot seem to reach, and it’s so easy. Sheri makes it so easy. She gives us an action plan. So by the end of this conversation which is only 27 minutes right now, you’re going to have the ability to balance your life better, and have the ability to bring words into the lives of those around you and do life better. And I gotta say, this is one of those adult conversations.