One Nation Under God: Healing Racial Divides

One Nation Under God: Healing Racial Divides

Racial division is a reality in today’s world. The death of George Floyd sparked new protests and violence throughout our country. Distrust and suspicion arise. We forget we’re created by God and made In His image. We forget that the Lord loves the beautiful diversity of His creation. We forget that His Son Jesus Christ has redeemed each and every one of us by suffering and dying to give us forgiveness and eternal life. Why does sin distort our identity? Who is the real enemy? Who is our neighbor, and what can we do about racial divides? Join us today as we talk about racial division and how we can care for our brothers and sisters in Christ. My guest is Rev. B Keith Haney, author of One Nation Under God: Healing Racial Divides in America. Rev. Haney is the assistant to the president of the Iowa district West for Missions, Human Care, and Stewardship.