Our Way Home: A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer

Our Way Home: A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer

Our Way Home: A Journey Through the Lord's PrayerWhether you’ve prayed the Lord’s Prayer 1000 times, or you’re not quite familiar with every word, Our Way Home invites you on an incredible, vivid journey through the Lord’s Prayer where you can discover the power, the beauty, and the depth of the world’s most famous prayer. Dr. Daniel Paavola surrounds each petition of the Lord’s Prayer with captivating imagery and storytelling that will animate your praying, making it a prayer you will live out every day, in every situation, and in every circumstance. You will come to the door of your Father’s house and knock with confidence because you have the words to say; our Father. Daniel Paavola is a professor and pastor with the gifts of storytelling, motorcycle riding, and Model T restoring. He is a professor of theology at Concordia University in Wisconsin and he’s the author of Our Way Home: A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer.