Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry-Part One

Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry-Part One

Seven Practices of Healthy Youth MinistryWelcome back lovely listeners to Family Shield Ministries podcast and radio show. This is Mark Femmel, the pastor in St Louis and cohost. I'm excited to have this conversation because almost every church I have ever met has a problem–a youth problem, and that is, when we just kind of do business as normal, our kids grow up and graduate from the faith. Sometimes that's right there at confirmation. Sometimes that's when they graduate high school and go off to college and we never see them again. And today we have a person who is a specialist–well trained, well educated, and well experienced. Juliana Schultz from Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Youth Ministry. There’s a whole department to help us figure out how to do this better, and she has got the skillz, and that’s with a z at the end as the kids say.