Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry-Part Two

Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry-Part Two

Seven Practices of Healthy Youth MinistryWelcome back Family Shield Ministries folks with this Part 2 conversation with a precious part of the church, Julianna Schults. She is part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Youth Ministry Department, and she is sharing her time with us about a book that she has just put together with a coworker of hers, Doctor Mark Kiesling. The reason why we’re doing this is most congregations have a problem and that problem is your kids don’t wanna come back. Your kids don’t wanna come back because it’s irrelevant, it’s disconnected. And so we are excited to share this book with you, Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry. And we brought on one of the authors, Julianna Schults, as I mentioned and if you missed Part 1 of the conversation, she shared her absolute favorite out of the seven practices and it was a great conversation. Now you might be wondering, why did I come back? We already got the best one out of the way! Because there are six more so welcome back Julianna.