Take Up the Full Armor of God

Take Up the Full Armor of God

Would you agree with me that Christ-centered family ministry is needed today more than ever before? You don’t need to look far to understand why Family Shield’s work is needed. God’s Word and Christianity are under attack. Biblical marriage is under attack. Life issues are under attack. God’s Word tells us as Christians that we must stand firm, from Ephesians 6:14, and use God’s Word, which is the sword of the Spirit. As we educate and equip people to know Christ, grow in His Word and learn to talk about topics like Biblical concept of marriage, we want to help our listeners do this in a calm and caring way. The ultimate goal is always to equip them to share the Gospel message of Jesus Christ so people are transformed. Why? Because Christ offers His forgiveness to all people. It is a free gift from God. Won’t you join hands with us?