The Well-being of Pastors and Church Workers

The Well-being of Pastors and Church Workers

Reclaiming the Joy of MinistrySaint Paul writes a letter to the Romans recorded as the book of Romans in the Bible, Chapter 1, that at long last he desires to come and visit with the Christians in Rome and he writes, “For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you. That is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Well not only does God call people by the gospel and enlighten them with gifts, sanctifies or sets them apart as a very special ambassador in this world, but He also gathers Christians together in His church to be His church. Being the church together for one another is important for building one another up, but who builds up our pastors? Who cares for those who serve the congregation professionally? How do pastors, teachers, deaconesses, youth workers, church musicians stay healthy and not burn out? These questions are some of the questions that we want to consider today as we talk about the well-being of pastors and church workers. Hi, this is Mark Frith, Chairman of the Family Shield Ministries board, and today’s guest host of the Family Shield radio and podcast. Thank you for being a part of the Family Shield family. You are a blessing to us. Our guest for today’s program is the Rev. Dr. Darrell Zimmerman. For the last several years, he has served as the Executive Director of Grace Place Wellness Ministries, whose mission has been to nurture vitality and joy in the ministry, by inspiring and equipping church workers to lead healthy lives.