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The Spiritual Abuse Recovery Workbook

The Spiritual Abuse Recovery Workbook

The Spiritual Abuse Recovery Workbook represents four decades of research and experience by author David Henke. Within the pages of this workbook the author demonstrates the complexities of spiritual abuse, identifying underlying issues as well as recovery. Through it all, he shows compassion for those who continue to suffer from the effects of being in bondage to abusive spiritual systems.

Henke takes the reader on a tour of what spiritual abuse is, who are the abusers, as well as the makeup of who is frequently among the abused. Both Legalism and Mind Control are explored and identified as tools often used to oppress people. Healthy groups are also identified as the author helps the reader move on from the abuse.

Spiritual abuse has a devastating effect on people. Since a very high level of trust is often placed in spiritual leaders, it is, and ought to be, expected that the trust will be honored and guarded. When such trust is violated, the wound is very deep. Sometimes the wound is so deep that the wounded person cannot trust even a legitimate spiritual authority again. Besides an unhealthy fear of, and disillusionment with, spiritual authorities, the spiritually abused person may find it difficult to trust even God. “How could (or why did) He let this happen to me?”

David Henke