The Full Life: Family with Kay Meyer

The Full Life: Family with Kay Meyer

Kay Meyer was a recent guest on The Average Disciple podcast. Every episode of The Average Disciple is an opportunity to better understand how we live our lives on purpose, with intention, as disciples of Jesus, not measuring our lives by perfection, but instead by growth in His truth and love. The Average Disciple Podcast is a personal endeavor of Brian Weaver.

In this episode, Brian chats with Kay Meyer from Family Shield Ministries about her work in helping parents disciple their children, trends she sees and has experienced in our modern culture, and how we pass faith from one generation to the next.

Kay Meyer is a wife, mother of three (our two sons have passed away and are now with the Lord), and grandmother of three grandchildren. She is the founder and president of Family Shield Ministries, the host of its weekly radio program and podcast, and a popular speaker and author. Family Shield Ministries is a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod.