God’s Grace for Those Struggling with Pornography

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

God’s Grace for Those Struggling with Pornography

By admin / October 30, 2018

The use of pornography causes serious problems for individuals, families, marriages, and the church. Has pornography become a part of your life? Is it causing problems with relationships? Has it caused problems in the life of someone you love, your sibling, your child, your spouse, your friend? How can those addicted to pornography come clean? How can you help those who need to confess their addiction to porn?

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Halloween and Today’s Families

By admin / October 22, 2018

Several years ago on Halloween I was in a fourth grade public school classroom where the children were dressed up. Matthew and Eric stand out in my memory. Matthew was dressed as Moses – he had on a white wig and beard, wore his father’s brown robe, a rope belt and sandals.

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Tech Savvy Parenting

By admin / October 15, 2018

How can parents find a balance with cell phones, social networks and video games in the lives of their children? What are some practical tools and resources that can help … More

Barriers, Obstacles, and Objections to Witnessing

By Kay Meyer / October 12, 2018

“Sharon left you? I don’t know why you’re so surprised and upset Eric. I told you to get your life in order and begin going to church, but you never … More

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Responding Effectively to Jehovah’s Witnesses

By admin / October 1, 2018

Have you ever tried to witness to a Jehovah’s Witness? If you have, you probably became confused about their beliefs. Maybe the discussion got heated and you became frustrated or angry. If you have a loved one involved in the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society it can even be more difficult.