September 24, 2021

Relying on God
Being unemployed is extremely stressful. But it has led many to rely on the Lord. Sometimes we don't know how we will pay our bills. But God supplies us with what we need. At times the Lord supplies our needs miraculously, but He often supplies them through Christians that hear of our needs, and care and respond in love to us.
Learning to rely on God is especially hard when we face difficulties. When the news is bad and affects our daily life, it is easy to forget to keep our eyes on Jesus. We must see and savor how good the Lord has been to us. When we do, we can raise our hearts, hopes, and eyes to His goodness in our daily lives.
God the Father demonstrated His love for us when He sacrificed His Son to save us. Who better to trust during trouble than the one who has already taken all our sins upon Himself?
Listen to the Family Shield program on Dealing with Umemployment featuring Dale Kreinenkamp.
Lord Jesus, help us to rely on You for all our needs. Amen.
In His Service and yours,
Radio Programs, Podcast Topics and Guests
with host, Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
Dealing with Anxiety
September 7-13
Guest: Cheryl Thompson, a Christian counselor
Our Way Home-A Journey through the Lord's Prayer
September 14-20
Guest: Dr. Daniel E. Paavola, author and professor at Concordia University, Wisconsin
It's All About Jesus!
September 21-27
with Kay Meyer, host
The Christ Key. Unlocking the Centrality of Christ in the Old Testament
September 27-October 5
Guest: Chad Bird, Old Testament scholar and author
Faith to Follow: The Journey of Becoming a Pastor's Wife
October 6-11
Guest and Author: Kate Meadows
Host: Coreen Jander
Let's Learn About The Holy Spirit
October 12-18
Guest: Chad Bird, a Biblical scholar and author
Connected to Christ - Witnessing in Everyday Life
October 19-25
Guest: Rev. Mark A. Wood, author
Could You Help?
This biological mom was so excited to finally meet her son after over 40 years, but suddenly many things went wrong. Would you join us in praying for Terri?
I interviewed a friend, Terri, about a year and a half ago about her pregnancy and the baby she released for adoption when she was 19 years old. And I spoke about her recently on the Lutherans For Life program on "Prayer Warriors for Life." She has been a faithful volunteer with Family Shield for more than 25 years. She has prayed and waited more than 40 years to meet her biological son.
Listen to the podcast we recorded with Terri here.
Terri always wanted to meet her son, but never wanted to interfere in his life. So she prayed and waited for him to contact her. She wrote the adoption agency in Texas asking them to give her information to him if he asked about her once he was 21 years old. But, the agency closed and he never got her letter. When we did the program, he still hadn't contacted her. I also kept this in my prayers because I knew how much she wanted this to happen. Terri never had any other children.
About six weeks ago, her son contacted Terri's relatives after a DNA test. Terri and her son have now been in contact by phone and texts. He plans to travel to St. Louis with his wife this fall. Terri is so happy and excited and is looking forward to meeting him and his wife. An answer to prayer!
When I spoke with Terri a few days ago she told me her great news. But, she also told me that she had just lost her job (she manages an apartment complex near Concordia Seminary). She asks for my prayers and said, "I am trusting the Lord will provide for me as He always does."
...the difficult thing about this situation is that she receives her apartment at no charge as part of her salary. So not only does she need to find a new job but she also needs to find a new place to live. All while her son and his wife are planning a trip to meet her for the first time.
My husband and I want to give a gift to help her during this challenging time. I thought some of our supporters and readers might also be led by the Lord to help her in some way. Could you help? It might be a lead on a new job or apartment in St. Louis. Or, it might be a financial gift to help with her rent or to take her son and his wife to dinner while they visit her. You can give a tax deductible gift on our website. Or email a message to us at witnesstofamily@gmail.com. Please put "Terri" in the note.
And, then keep her and this situation in your prayers. Pray that her visit with her son and his wife goes smoothly and that they can build a good relationship that will bless them.
Thank you for caring and for your prayers.