October 5, 2023
Thank you for your partnership in the gospel!
Dear Family Shield Friend,
Thank you for your prayers and support of Family Shield Ministries! Your support enables us to accomplish our mission & vision. We are blessed that you are a ministry partner! Together we share the Good News about Jesus with hundreds of thousands of people each year, reach those who do not yet know Christ, and strengthen families for Christ! Because of you, individuals and families are being equipped, encouraged, mentored, and transformed through the gospel of Christ.
Did you know that the gospel-focused, Christ-centered Family Shield radio program and podcast airs on up to 50 radio stations throughout the United States? Did you know we are self-supporting and self-governing? Your support is critical. Sometimes people are surprised to learn that the radio program has aired for almost 30 years and that we have designed and produced almost 1400 programs. The radio program & podcast are one of several important evangelism and educational ministries. Many who contact us do not know Christ and need to grow in His Word. And Christians are being equipped to serve and witness to family, friends, and those in their community! Your support makes our outreach beyond the walls of the church possible!
Want some good news? Family Shield Ministries recently merged with Faith Family Reunion
Family Shield Ministries (FSM) Board of Directors unanimously approved merging with Faith Family Reunion at its March 2023 Board meeting. Faith Family Reunion was founded by Paula Isakson and her father, Rev. Dr. Jakob K. Heckert. It ministers to Prodigal parents whose adult children have stopped attending church or who have left the faith. Paula was away from the faith for 25 years and is now reunited with the Lord and His church. Praise the Lord! During those years her parents prayed fervently for her, maintained a positive relationship, made sure she knew they loved her, and gently reminded her of God’s love through Christ.
Rev. Mark Wood, the Outreach Director for the LCMS, recommended Family Shield to Faith Family Reunion since he knew FSM did similar gospel outreach. To learn more about our merger, read the May email newsletter here: https://familyshieldministries.com/email-newsletters/faith-family-reunion-merges-with-fsm/ and listen to the radio program and podcast that featured Isakson here: https://familyshieldministries.com/podcast/learning-about-faith-family-reunion/
Prisoners Write Family Shield and Ask for Prayer and Resources
“I listen to Family Shield each week and am a prisoner in Texas. I almost never attended church and don’t know much about God or His Word. One of the volunteers that come to do Bible studies with us recommended your program to me. Thank you for caring about me and my family. I’m learning so much.” John
Can I get the booklet you offered your radio listeners?
Ben called to request a complimentary booklet. He told us that he shared information from the Family Shield program with a business associate that told him he was burdened with guilt. What he shared had been discussed the previous week on the Family Shield program. Kay and her guest talked about the fact that we don’t need to keep saying to God, “Please forgive me for doing this or that two years ago.” Once we confess our sins God forgives us. He removes our sin as far as the east is from the west. And He remembers it no more! Ben told us that these words helped his friend. Praise the Lord!
How can you help us? Support us through prayer. Pray that the Lord will guide and direct us as we expand and grow our ministry. Pray that others will learn about us. Support us with a one-time financial gift or a monthly gift at www.familyshieldministries.org or mail a gift to us. Mail to: Family Shield Ministries, 7045 Parkwood Street, St. Louis, Missouri 63116-2112. Whether large or small, your gift allows us to reach those that do not yet know Jesus and equip Christians to serve and witness.
May Jesus, whose name is above all names, bless and keep you in His care.
In His Service and yours,

"Give as freely as you have received." (Matthew 10:8)