December 21, 2020

Merry Christmas!
Dear Family Shield Friend,
My husband, Tjaden (Chad), and I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Join us and others in praying for an end to the pandemic.
Plans for 2021 include advertising and producing resources for a Family Prayer Walk and expanding the radio program to include: AM 850 KFUO, the radio station owned and operated by the LCMS. The station will be added to our network of over 50 stations throughout the United States. Please keep this in your prayers!
Stories of those we equip and witness to:
Helping a young mom studying with Jehovah's Witnesses see their false teachings and recommit her life to Christ
Your financial support helped us work with a young mom with two children who had been studying with Jehovah's Witnesses for over a year when we were contacted by her family asking for help. Thankfully this mother was open to talking with me. We spent twelve hours over a period of a month on the phone answering her questions, praying for and with her, and worked with her Christian parents. She stopped studying with the JW and recommitted her life to Christ. Her newest child was recently baptized. Praise the Lord!
A Jewish woman wrote after listening to our program on dealing with grief
"Yesterday I listened to the Family Shield podcast on 'Dealing with Grief,' hosted by Kay Meyer. I was very impressed and it helped me a lot. I lost my husband 4 months ago after being married 39 years."
Although the woman was not a believer in Christ she asked us to connect her to the Christian counselor that we had interviewed on the program she heard. She wanted him to help her learn to deal with grief. We connected her to the counselor several months ago. Please join us in praying that she will come to know Christ.
A prayer request from our website
We receive many prayer requests from our website prayer link. The following is a prayer we received recently:
Pray for 3 year old Sophia, my granddaughter, and her 30 year old mother, Claire, my daughter. Pray for God's protection, wisdom, safety, and salvation. They left home on 11.9.20 and no one has heard or seen from them since then. Pray for their safe return to our family. Pray that Claire seeks God for guidance, safety, reconciliation, and family bonding. Claire left home (with her young child) with no job, little money, emotionally distraught with a history of doing drugs. Pray that she places her faith in Jesus. Pray for God's protection over them. May angels watch over them, guiding them both quickly and safely home to family and God. Thank you for your prayers. Elizabeth
Family Shield Volunteer Opportunities
We have identified some new volunteer opportunities for 2021 that we would like to let you know about so you can join us in prayer and share with those you know who might be interested. They include:
Zoom Coordinators
We would like qualified Zoom Coordinators to help us set up Zoom meetings for:
- A national prayer gathering. It would probably be held on a monthly basis.
- A Counter Cult Ministry Support Group for individuals and families we serve that have loved ones involved with Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormonism. Each group will be kept small so there is time to get acquainted, discuss needs, talk about resources that can help them, and prayer.
A Social Media Coordinator
We are also seeking a qualified volunteer to help us with social media.
For more information contact us at witnesstofamily@gmail.com. The ministry has many volunteers. Learn about other volunteer needs on our website on this link.
In His Service and yours,

Radio Programs, Podcast Topics and Guests
with Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
and host of Family Shield
Family Shield 2020 Thanksgiving Special
Guests: Coreen, Elizabeth, Luke Jander, and Yvette Seltz
We're Not Blended
Guests: Marty Lintvedt and Diane Lesire Brandmeyer
December 1-7
Prayer & Witnessing
Guest: Rev. James Buckman
December 8-14
Christmas and the Angels
Guest: Rev. Ron Rall
December 15-20
A Family Shield Christmas Special
Guest: Rev. Derek Paetow
December 21-27
Grandparents Witness to Their Grandchildren
Guest: Dr. Richard Hardel
December 28-January 4
Joining Jesus on His Mission
Guest: Greg Finke
January 5-11
Upcoming Programs:
Balance-Christ Filled Living with Kay Meyer
From Mormonism to Christianity with Micah Wilder
The Five Love Languages with Dr. Gary Chapman
God's Promises for Families with Kay Meyer