August 24, 2022

God is in Control
The following story was written by Pat Burke, a friend of the ministry.
My husband, Rog, & I decided drive to a shopping mall about 40 minutes from our home. We had a great time and a wonderful lunch. Driving back we took the same route. After getting off the main highway you have to go on Fred Moore Hwy (this is not really a Highway but is a two-lane road through mostly farmland). I guess they call it a Highway so you can drive 60 miles per hour...and the scenery is beautiful.
Now picture this...Two lanes of traffic moving fast...a small transport van in front of us, cars behind us and in the second lane going the opposite way a huge semi-truck. Everyone is driving about 60 miles an hour.
We're just talking and laughing, about 15 minutes from home. A black car pulled out from a side road. We didn't see it but he must have driven right in front of the transport van, then fish tailed to the shoulder, then jumped into our lane coming head on straight toward us! We had nowhere to go...cars were in back of us and a huge semi-truck on our left. The guy just kept coming as my husband kept pumping the brakes...we weren't screaming, just looking ahead to what was gonna hit us. I could see the guy...white, long curly dark hair...young. I know this sounds crazy, but we just felt so calm, whatever the outcome. In what seemed like slow motion the young man was able to get control of his car about 10 feet from us and he drove on the shoulder right past us...laughing. I think he had other kids in the car...I think they were all high, especially the driver.
We hear all the time that God's in control...He sure was yesterday and we're grateful to Him. Life's sure interesting in "Pure Michigan." Drive safe...I couldn't get a license number to report him. Hope he didn't hurt anyone else.
How would you react if this happened to you?
How would you react if this happened to you? Can you rest in the Lord in difficult circumstances like a cancer diagnosis, the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, or an illness or accident? It isn't easy, is it? What can you share that could help someone learn how to trust the Lord, even in difficult circumstances?
Last week, while on vacation, my husband and I saw a friend that had lost her adult son suddenly a little over a year ago. She had listened to a couple of our podcasts on "Dealing with Grief" and read several articles I'd written about grief. She wanted my husband and I to tell her how we coped/survived when we lost our two adult sons in 2009 and 2010. We told her we were able to survive these losses because of our faith in Christ, because we know we will see them again in heaven someday, and because of the prayers of God's people for us.
Our friend isn't a practicing Christian but believes in God. She listened to us intently, especially as we talked about our faith in Christ. Then she asked us several questions afterward. Please join us in praying for Linda. Ask the Lord to comfort her and give her His peace. Pray for me as I continue to stay in touch with her.
The Lord never tells us we won't have problems or challenges in our life. But He promises He will be with us. Continue to look up! God is in control, loves us with an everlasting love, and gives us His peace.
In His Service and yours,
Dealing with Grief with Dr. Greg DeNeal, a counselor, with host, Kay Meyer
Life After Loss with Rev. James Kirk.
What Happens After Life? With Dr. Ron Rhodes, President of Reasoning from the Scriptures
An article written by Kay Meyer entitled, “Absent from the Body--At Home with the Lord.”
An article about Jeff Meyer, Kay Meyer’s son, entitled, Choose Life for Your Children:

Radio Programs, Podcast Topics, and Guests
with host, Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
Grace Under Pressure: Responding Faithfully to Stress
July 26-August 1
Guest: Rev. Christopher Kennedy
Joining Jesus on His Mission
August 2-8
Guest: Rev. Greg Finke of Dwelling 114
Dealing with Anxiety
August 9-15
Guest: Cheryl Thompson
The Early History of Family Shield Ministries
How Kay Meyer went from being a stay-at-home Mom to the founder and president of Family Shield
August 16-22
with Kay Meyer, Founder and Host of Family Shield
Take a Family Prayer Walk
August 23-29
Guest: Jane Haas
Prayer Walk Leadership Training
August 30-September 5
with Kay Meyer
Shining the Gospel Light on the Quran: Understanding and Engaging Muslims
September 6-12
Rev. Dr. Abjar Bahkou, a Concordia Seminary Professor and author
Discipling Our Children in the Home
September 13-19
with Kay Meyer
Dinosaurs, Dragons, and the Bible
September 20-28
Bodie Hodge, author
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books from our radio guests
Family Shield Ministries, Inc, is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and is recognized for tax-deductible giving by the federal government. It is also a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. You can give by sending a donation or through our website at www.familyshieldministries.com.