November 24, 2021

In His Name
I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them (Matthew 18:18-20).
Family Shield Ministries Update
I thought I’d share some of gatherings, conversations, and visits we have had with a few of those we've served recently. Last week we had a group of our prayer warriors gather at a local congregation to discuss their prayer needs and pray together for these needs and prayers that have been shared with Family Shield. Three of the women who attended are widows. Two of them lost their husband in the past year. It’s a fact—the holiday season can be difficult, especially for those who have lost loved ones. Afterward we went to lunch together. The fellowship is so important.
I was also blessed to speak at the Concordia LWML Rally recently in Marshall, Missouri on Balance-When Life Seems Overwhelming. My husband and I met at Missouri Valley College in Marshall many years ago. It was such a blessing to meet old and new friends at the rally and again worship at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Marshall. My husband and I attended church there when we were college students. One family from the church would invite us to their home after the service for a meal. We didn’t remember the family’s name but we did recall their loving and caring spirit. So, it was a blessing to meet George, who was at the rally helping his wife. My husband and George hit it off right away. As they got acquainted we discovered that it was George’s family that invited us to their farm for a meal so many years ago! What a small world!
Tanya contacted us recently. Her husband doesn’t attend church with her. She explained he had questions about the Christian faith and asked if we could help. I visited by phone with her to learn more. His questions focused on Evolution vs. Creationism. We shared some past Family Shield programs that dealt with this topic, as well as programs that explain who Jesus is and what He has done for us through His death and resurrection. We also shared websites including information about the Creation Museum. She told us he listened to every program and is now attending a church membership class to learn more about the faith. Praise the Lord!
Other projects include:
- Writing LWML District grants to help with our expansion plans. One is to expand our mentoring-missionary work. Another grant is to partner with Glencoe LLL Zone to continue to broadcast the Family Shield program in MN SO on KGLB 96.1 FM and 1310AM.
- Planning our weekly radio program & podcast by researching potential topics, scheduling guests, and reading author’s books.
- We recently held a Board of Directors meeting. Rev. Mark Frith is the Chairman. Thank you, Mark! We appreciate all you and the other Board members do to serve the Lord and our ministry! Our Board has committed to helping us raise support for a development director.
In His Service and yours,
Our Gift to You
We recently printed a new full color "Go First Into the Home" bookmark with “The Great Commission” (Matthew 28:19-20) on the front. The back shares how to find our radio stations and sign up for the podcast. We would love to send one to you as a gift. Email us if you would like to receive the bookmark at witnesstofamily@gmail.com.

Radio Programs, Podcast Topics and Guests
with host, Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries.
Traditions for Thanksgiving and Today's Families
November 15-22
with Kay Meyer
Dealing with Loneliness
November 23-29
Guest: Jeannine Liebmann, a Counselor
Angels and the Christmas Story
November 30-December 6
Guest: Rev. Ron Rall
Christmas Traditions for Families
December 7-13
Guests: Coreen Jander and Faith Spelbring
The Family Shield 2021 Christmas Special
December 14-20
Guest: Rev. Stephen Bongard, Concordia Lutheran Church, Kirkwood, MO
Beyond Christmas
December 21-27
with Kay Meyer
An ex-Jehovah's Witness Shares His Story of Coming to Know Christ
December 28-January 3
Guest: Charles Smith, an ex-Jehovah's Witness and Christian
How to Reach Mormons for Christ
January 4-11
Guest: Bill McKeever, Mormon Research Ministry

Join Us in Prayer
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God" (Phil 4:6).
- Pray for the Family Shield Ministries Board of Directors so that we make wise decisions for our future.
- Pray for our expansion plan and ask the Lord to supply the funds needed.
- Pray for us so we can respond in an even more positive and production manner to the call of spreading the Gospel to transform lives now and for eternity.
- Pray for our Counter Cult Ministry and the many families we serve. Join us in praying for: Jasmine, Jeannette, Stephen, Deb, Sherry, Amy, Amber, Lauren, Jennifer, Rolla, Dee, Charles, and the many ex-Jehovah's Witnesses and ex-Mormons we work with and minister to.
- Pray for our radio ministry and our expansion in Glencoe, MN in partnership with the Glencoe Zone of the LLL MN South District.
- Pray for Nancy, Lawanda and Jeanette that recently lost their husbands and are grieving. Surround them with those who care and give them your peace.
- Pray for Frank who has serious heart problems and all who are dealing with health issues.
- Pray for a mother who just learned her teenager is on drugs. Also for parents and grandparents who have a loved one on drugs or have addictions.
Remember you can submit prayers to us here: https://familyshieldministries.com/prayer-request/