Halloween and Today’s Families

Halloween and Today’s Families

Several years ago on Halloween I was in a fourth grade public school classroom where the children were dressed up. Matthew and Eric stand out in my memory. Matthew was dressed as Moses – he had on a white wig and beard, wore his father’s brown robe, a rope belt and sandals. His parents had helped him carefully cut out cardboard tablets that looked like stone and had the ten commandments written on them. I thought what a great costume. Not only was it homemade, it gave Matthew an opportunity to share God’s Word with his classmates and teacher in a public school setting. On the other extreme was Eric who was dressed as Jason from the movie Friday the 13th. His costume was white; his arms were wrapped in white bandages, and he had fake blood smeared across his entire body. Matthew’s costume was very appropriate and in good taste. Eric’s was inappropriate. I personally see nothing wrong with allowing children to dress up and go trick-or-treating with parental supervision. There’s nothing morally or spiritually wrong with wearing costumes and receiving treats that are willingly given, but costumes should be appropriate and Christ-pleasing. Halloween can also offer Christians opportunities to share Christ with children and their parents. Join us today as I interview Erin Smalley from Focus on the Family. We’ll talk about Halloween and today’s families.