Joining Jesus As A Family: How to Raise Your Children to be Followers of Jesus: Part Two

Joining Jesus As A Family: How to Raise Your Children to be Followers of Jesus: Part Two

Joining Jesus as a FamilyLast week I talked to Greg and Susan Finke about their newest book Joining Jesus As A Family: How to Raise Your Children to be Followers of Jesus. We’ll continue our discussion this week as we talk about where you want your child to end up. We find many parents concerned that their children, youth, or young adults will stray away from the Christian faith—it happens—a lot. In their book they state “I can hear the hope, but I can also hear the fear.” To be honest the fear comes from a growing realization that what we are currently doing in our attempt to raise life-long followers of Jesus isn’t working. And here’s the thing, it isn’t.