February 10, 2021

Family Shield's Family Prayer Walk
Family Shield Ministries invites you and your family to take a Prayer Walk, and promote the prayer walk at your congregation.
in their midst (Matthew 18:20).
- The Lord wants us to talk to Him in prayer.
- When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, He taught them "The Lord's Prayer."
- God's Word encourages us to equip our children and grandchildren in their faith and to pray.
So, gather your family and take a prayer walk together. Spend time talking, reflecting on your life, and praying together.
- As you walk, thank God for the blessings in your life and ask for His continued guidance.
- Talk about your needs or a problem or concern you are struggling with.
- Pray for others you know who are going through challenges or who need to know the Lord.
- Pray for a person or family you see as you walk, or stop and ask a neighbor, "How can we pray for you today?"
- Pray for your faith to grow, and for your family, friends, neighbors, church family, community, our nation, and the world.
- Ask the Lord for forgiveness and ask your children or spouse to forgive you, too.
- Ask God to help you forgive someone who has hurt you.
- Stop to pray aloud together or silently.
- When the pandemic is under control, ask friends or extended family to walk with you too.
How should we pray?
God's word teaches us how to pray. There are many ways to pray. In Acts 7:59 Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!" We often call this an arrow prayer. It is short and to the point. Some Christians pray using the acrynom: P.R.A.Y. The P stands for Praise. We praise the Lord because He is worthy of our praise and honor. R stands for Remember. We remember we are sinner's and we remember what Jesus has done for us by suffering and dying on the cross for our sins. A is for Ask. We ask for forgiveness from the Lord and we can also ask for what we want or need. Y is for Yield. We yield to God's will. Jesus always answers our prayers! He answers "yes," "no," and "wait." The Lord encourages us to pray in small groups, too (Matthew 18:20).
How do I begin?
Begin with prayer. Then share with your children and family members that you would like to take a prayer walk together. You might read a Bible verse about prayer (Matthew 7:7, Phil. 4:6, Col. 1:9) with your family and discuss it together. Then say a prayer. "Lord be with us as we take our prayer walk. Thank you for loving us so much! In Jesus name. Amen." Or you can say "The Lord's Prayer" together before you leave or after you get home. Enjoy your walk together. Laugh together. Enjoy the wonderful world that God has created for us. And talk about why you are thankful for your family.
Resources for Family Prayer Walking (FPW)
Family Shield Ministries encourages you to download the two page FPW flyer that shares information about a Family Prayer Walk at www.familyshieldministries.com. We will add new resources about prayer and prayer walking in the coming weeks. We are producing several radio programs on this topic, will share articles about prayer and prayer walking in the email newsletter, on the website, and on the Family Shield Facebook page. We will also include a Q & A section from questions you submit when possible. Submit questions to: witnesstofamily@gmail.org.
Some people have asked when they should do the walk. You can do a walk now, this spring, weekly or monthly. Once you have completed at least one prayer walk, please fill out and submit the prayer walk survey on our website under "Prayer Ministry." Remember you can also submit prayer requests on this link and our prayer partners will pray for you.
Thanks for joining us on a Family Prayer Walk!
In His Service and yours,

Kay Meyer and Jane Haas in the Family Shield studio talking about
Family Prayer Walking.
Radio Programs, Podcast Topics and Guests
with Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
and host of Family Shield
Balance-Christ Filled Living, Part Two
with Kay Meyer
January 12-18
Learn more about the book and how to obtain the Bible study here:
Know What You Believe and Why You Believe It
Guest: Martin Winslow
January 18-24
From Mormonism to Christianity
Guest: Micah Wilder
January 24-31
The Five Love Languages for Married Couples
Guest: Dr. Gary Chapman
February 1-8
Sign up to receive a free copy of his book by sending us your name and address at witnesstofamily@gmail.com. Three books will be given away the last week of February.
God's Promises for Families
with Kay Meyer
February 8-15
Family Health and Wellness
Guest: Marty Lindvedt
February 16 -22
Family Prayer Walk-Phase One
Guest: Jane Haas
February 22-March 1
My Cancer Journey
with Rev. D. Michael Hackbardt of God's Word for the Nations
Building a Relationship with Jehovah's Witnesses
with Keith Walker
Faith to Follow: The Journey of Becoming a Pastor's Wife
with Kate Meadows, author, and Coreen Jander, co-host