October 7, 2022

Family Shield Ministries
Thank you for your prayers and support! You are special to us!
We have a complimentary copy of our newest booklet: Let’s Walk & Pray! Ideas for Your Family and Friends Prayer Walk available as our gift to you and your family. We launched our first Family Prayer Walk (FPW) Initiative in 2021. We learned that many Christian parents didn’t feel comfortable praying out loud with their children. We pray this booklet will help equip parents, grandparents and teachers to enjoy prayer walks with their family and friends! It is also available digitally on our website.
Please let us know where you would like your copy sent by emailing us at witnesstofamily@gmail.com. We can send it to you or mail it to your daughter, granddaughter, son, grandson or a friend. You can find additional FPW resources on our website: https://familyshieldministries.com/family-prayer-walk/
As we prepared grants during the past months, we received two recommendations from LCMS leaders that we want to share with you.
Family Shield Ministries offers a valuable outreach ministry through radio and podcast programming, and other resources, as it addresses many of the daily challenges being faced in our society. The ministry reaches people with God’s Word providing them comfort and strength. The organization truly lives out its mission to help, equip and witness to families sharing God’s forgiveness and His promise of eternal life.
Deaconess Dorothy Krans, Recognized Service Organization (RSO) Director for the LCMS
In a day and age when family values are challenged socially and legally, compromised structurally and philosophically, congregations, pastors and leaders of the church need others to walk alongside of them with the powerful message that the LORD sustains the family in and through Christ Jesus. Family Shield Ministries is one of those agencies that is committed to helping the Church make a difference.
Through radio, podcasts, mentoring, seminars and the counter cult ministry we help the Church seep deeper into people’s lives, taking the gospel to places and people that are hard to reach. That is our concentration and calling.
Rev. Mark Frith, Chairman, Family Shield Ministries
We encourage you like or follow us on the Family Shield Ministries Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/FamilyShieldMinistries. You can also connect with me on my personal Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/kay.meyer.372.
Your prayers and financial support are important! Your support allows us to accomplish our work in the ripe and plentiful harvest! Your gift of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50, $25, $10 or $____ on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis allows us to proclaim the saving Gospel message and reach and equip individuals and their families for Christ. Thank you for your prayers and support!
May Jesus, the King of Kings, continue to bless and keep you and your family in His care.
In His Service and yours,
Kay L. Meyer, Founder & President

Radio Programs, Podcast Topics, and Guests
with host, Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
Dragons: Legends & Lore of Dinosaurs
September 20-26
Guest: Bodie Hodge, author, speaker and researcher for Answers in Genesis
Co-hosts: Tjaden & Kay Meyer
Balance: When Life Seems Overwhelming
September 27-October 3
with Kay Meyer
An ex-Jehovah's Witness Shares Her Faith Journey
October 4-10
Guest: Melissa Bramer
Confirmation & Today's Youth
October 11-17
Guest: Rev. Peter Naefger
Dealing with Anxiety
October 18-24
Guest: Cheryl Thompson
The Two Kingdoms of God
October 25-October 31
Guest: Rev. Gregory Seltz
Introducing Christianity to Mormons
November 1-7
Eric Johnson, Mormon Research Ministry
Surviving a Family Crisis
November 8-14
Guest: Dana Herbst
Advent and Our Families
November 15-21
Guest: Dr. Mary Manz Simon
Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses
November 22-28
Guests: Rev. Matthew Fenn and Daniel Verkoeyen
Meaningful Outreach: An Essential Guide for Churches
Guest: Rev. Mark Wood, author
Guest Host: Rev. Mark Frith, Chairman of Family Shield Ministries
Limping With God: Jacob & The Old Testament Guide to Messy Discipleship
Guest: Chad Bird
A Christmas Special
Guest Pastor: To Be Announced
Mission Field on Our Doorstep: Jehovah's Witnesses
Learn to share your faith in Christ with Jehovah’s Witnesses at your doorstep! The doorbell rings at your home or in the community. Two well-dressed Jehovah’s Witnesses are standing on your doorstep. You try to share your faith in Christ, but do not understand their teachings. They believe themselves to be Christians, but actually proclaim a false Gospel and a false Christ!
What should you say to the Jehovah's Witnesses at your door or in the community? How can you respond in love and share the truth of God’s word with them? Mission Field on our Doorstep: Jehovah’s Witnesses will equip Christians to share their faith in Christ with the Witnesses at their door. Why not pray now that the Lord will give you the words to speak in the hour that you need them? The book is $7.50 and available here: