August 25, 2021

Stories of Those We Reach, Equip, and Serve
The Family Shield Response Center staffed by volunteers, and employees follow-up with thousands of people each year. Many are unchurched or have questions about God and His Word. Some people call, some write, but more and more opportunities to share God's love open up because of Facebook and other social media sites. We are thankful for all of these opportunities and for those of you that support us and make our ministry possible!
Recently I received a message from a friend who we had worked with whose daughter was studying with Jehovah's Witnesses some years ago. She asked for prayer for her stepson and his fiancé. His fiancé is a Muslim. We prayed and I followed up with my friend. She felt guilty. I shared Romans 8:1 with her that says, "There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." I also shared several Family Shield programs about "Responding and Witnessing to Muslims." Additionally, I encouraged her to learn more about spiritual warfare since the Lord has put her in the middle of another spiritual battle. We also sent her several programs about spiritual warfare and a Bible study I've written on this topic.
This morning I responded to a man on Facebook who posted, "I'm not convinced there's a heaven." He recently had cancer and was asking why those who read his post believe in Heaven. Here is a portion of my first response to him...
God did everything necessary for everyone to receive forgiveness and eternal life. He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to earth, to suffer, and die for ALL our sins (John3:16). Then three days later He rose from the dead. All we need to do is believe in Jesus and what He did for us. He gives us His righteousness and He takes all our sins when we place our trust in Him. God's Word tells us eternal life is a free gift and is not dependent upon our good works (Eph. 2:8-9). Many other people also shared excellent words and we encouraged him to read God's Word and learn more about Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and the only way to the Father. One of the people who responded to him is one of our faithful supporters. It was wonderful to read her Christ-centered message to him.
Read more stories of those we touch on our website here.
In His Service and yours,
Kay L. Meyer

Radio Programs, Podcast Topics and Guests
with host, Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
Why Are Fathers Important to Children?
Guests: Dave Powell and Jackson Powell
Six year old, Jackson, stole this show! I encourage you to listen to this program. It will warm your heart, make you laugh and bless you! Kay Meyer
Crossing the Chasm: Helping Mormons Discover the Bridge to God
Guest: Rev. Jon Leach, Truth In Love Ministry
Witnessing Basics: Build a Relationship, Pray, and Share God's Love
with Kay Meyer
Witnessing - A Lifestyle - (Book available on our website)
Beautiful Feet-Serve and Witness!
with Kay Meyer
Dealing with Conflict
Guest: Kenneth Kremer, Author of A Heart at Peace
Balance When Life is Overwhelming
with Kay Meyer
Rescuing Your Loved One from the Watchtower (Jehovah's Witnesses): Part One
August 24-30
Guest: David Reed, an ex-Jehovah's Witness and popular author
Rescuing Your Loved One from the Watchtower (Jehovah's Witnesses): Part Two
August 31-September 6
Guest: David Reed, author of Rescuing Your Loved One from the Watchtower
Dealing with Anxiety
September 7-13
Guest: Cheryl Thompson, a Christian counselor
Our Way Home-A Journey through the Lord's Prayer
September 14-20
Guest: Daniel E. Paavola, author
It's All About Jesus!
September 21-27
with Kay Meyer
September 27-October 5
Topic: To Be Announced
Faith to Follow: The Journey of Becoming a Pastor's Wife
October 6-12
Guest and Author: Kate Meadows
Host: Coreen Jander
News About Family Shield Ministries
Radio Expansion Pilot Partnership Announced
Family Shield Ministries is beginning a three-month pilot project on September 11, 2021 to expand the Family Shield radio program to KGLB AM/FM in Glencoe, Minnesota in partnership with LHM and Glencoe LLL Zone Board and supporters. It will air at 9:30 a.m. every Saturday. Checks to support this broadcast should be sent to:
Family Shield Broadcast, First Lutheran Church, 925 13th Street East, Glencoe, MN 55336. Weekly sponsors are needed. The cost to sponsor a program is $94 a week. But any gift helps!
To learn more about this new outreach, contact Kay Meyer, president of Family Shield at fsmkmeyer@gmail.com or Rich Streufert at richstreufert@embarqmail.com.
Family Shield Ministries Recognized Service Organization (RSO) status has again been renewed by The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. Join us in praising the Lord! We have been an RSO since 1997.
Family Shield Ministries Has A New Mailing Address
Beginning August 26, 2021, please send mail to us at:
Family Shield Ministries
7045 Parkwood Street
St. Louis, MO 63116-2112
You can also send us emails at: witnesstofamily@gmail.com
Family Shield Ministries Video
The video below and others are found on our website.
We invite you to watch the video above that features basics about the ministry, the radio program and podcast. After you watch it, please share it with your pastor and invite your congregation to show it to your members. Then consider supporting us and join us in praying for our outreach efforts.