Family Shield Ministries invites you and your family to take a PRAYER WALK.
Gather your family and spend the time laughing, talking about the day, reflecting and praying together.
Why pray?
- God wants us to talk to Him. He enjoys hearing from us and it brings us closer to Him.
- As an example to us, Jesus taught His disciples to pray.
- God's Word encourages us to equip our children and families to grow in faith and to pray.
- One way we grow is recognizing that the Lord answers our prayers, even though the answers are sometimes "No."
Listen to a 30 second introduction by Kay Meyer.

What can you talk about on a Prayer Walk?
- Talk about your needs, or a problem or concern you're struggling with.
- Pray for others who are going through challenges or who need to know Christ.
- Pray for a person or family you see as you walk, or ask a neighbor, "How can we pray for you today?"
- Pray for your faith, family, friends, neighbors, church family, community, our nation, the world, or any other issues the Lord brings to your mind.
- Ask for forgiveness from God, your spouse and/or your children.
- Ask God to help you forgive someone who has hurt you.
- Stop and pray together, aloud or silently.
- Ask friends or extended family to walk with you once in a while to show them how it's done.
Helpful Resouces
How should we pray?
There are many ways to pray. In Acts 7: 59 Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!" We call this an arrow prayer. Some people pray using the acronym P.R.A.Y. The P stands for Praise. We praise the Lord because He is worthy of our praise and honor. R stands for Remember. We remember we are sinners and what Jesus did for us by suffering and dying on the cross for our sins. A is for Ask. We ask for forgiveness from the Lord and can also ask for what we need. Y is for Yield. We yield to God's will. God always answers our prayers. He answers "yes," "no," and "wait." God wants us to be persistent in prayer.
Bible verses about prayer
Read and discuss a verse together before or after your walk. Begin your walk by praying the Lord's Prayer together. Eph. 2: 18, Matthew 7:7, Phil. 4:6, Eph. 6: 18, Matt. 9:36-39, James 1:6, Col. 1:10, Acts 7:58, Matt. 6:6-7, Acts 6:4-6, Phil. 4:6, 1 Thess. 5:17, James 5:16, and Acts 12:3-13.
Prayer Resources
- Family Shield radio programs about the Family Prayer Walk
- 5-Minute Bible Studies for Families by Jay Bickelhaupt Purchase from Publisher or Purchase from Amazon
- Witnessing-A Lifestyle by Kay L. Meyer
- iPray: A simple Prayer book for Ministry, Mercy and Multiplication by Rev. James Buckman
- Our Way Home-A Journey through the Lord's Prayer by Daniel E. Paavola
- Prayer: Learning How to Talk to God by Jeanette Groth (CPH, ©2019)
- There's A Prayer for That (Northwestern Publishing House, ©2017) Purchase from Publisher or Purchase from Amazon
Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst (Matthew 18:20).