July 8, 2021

Be Persistent in Prayer
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7
How would you rate your prayer life? What have you been praying about recently? Perhaps you are unemployed, unhappy or ill. Are you worried about what the future will bring or lonely and feeling helpless? Ask, the Bible says, seek and knock on God's door.
God can send a friend into a lonely life, someone to help and befriend. Indeed, God's Son is a friend, an ever present help.
Or maybe you or a loved one is ill. Ask God for healing. Continue to pray. Be persistent; be patient. Ask others to pray with you. Jesus was sent into this world "to heal the brokenhearted" (Luke 4:18).
Whatever you need, physical, emotional, or spiritual, God is waiting to hear from you and to respond to your prayer. Bring all your needs to the Lord in prayer. Be specific.
And then be patient. Prayer connects us to the all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving God. God's answer is not always yes. Sometimes it's wait. Sometimes it's no. But God always answers the Christian's prayer. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Heavenly Father, we ask You to continue to shower Your love and forgiveness on us, for Jesus' sake. Amen.
In His Service and yours,

Kay L. Meyer, Founder,
President & Host

Radio Programs, Podcast Topics and Guests
with host, Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
Parents Rising: Eight Strategies for Raising Kids Who Love God, Respect Authority, and Value What's Right
Host: Coreen Jander
Guest: Arlene Pellican, author
Finding Forgiveness
Guest: Donna Snow
Discipline and The 5 Love Languages
June 21-June 28
Guest: Dr. Gary Chapman, author
Dealing with Anger
June 29-July 6
Why Fathers Are Important to Children?
July 6-12
Guests: Dave Powell and Jackson Powell
Crossing the Chasm: Helping Mormons Discover the Bridge to God
July 13-19
Guest: Rev. Jon Leach, Truth In Love Ministry
Beautiful Feet-Serve and Witness!
July 20-27
with Kay Meyer
Learning To Be a Loving Blended Family
July 28-August 3
Guest: Dana Herbst
Dealing with Conflict
August 3-9
with Kay Meyer
Balance When Life is Overwhelming
August 10-16
with host, Kay Meyer

Family Prayer Walk Resources
Phase One: Equips parents and children to learn about prayer and prayer walking.
Phase Two: Equips families to share their faith and witness as they pray.
Download the two page flyer that you can share at your congregation or with family members.
Download The Resource for Family Prayer Life and Prayer Walks by Jane Haas.
Please complete and submit the FPW survey (click here for link) after you have taken at least one family prayer walk.
To learn more about prayer and prayer walking or promote it at your congregation or school listen to the Family Shield radio programs, podcasts and an interview about the Family Prayer Walk with the host of Encounter, Dr. Harold Hendrick, of Bott Radio Network. Kay was his guest.
- Family Prayer Walk radio program featuring Jane Haas
- Family Prayer Walk Leadership Training with Kay Meyer
- Witnessing Through Prayer with Rev. Jim Buckman
- Listen to a radio interview featuring Kay Meyer. She is interviewed by Dr. Harold Hendrick, host of Encounter, Bott Radio Network here.
The following are Family Shield resources about prayer and sharing our faith with our children & families
Father's-Share Your Life & Faith
Parents-Go First into the Home
Prayer Cube for Helping Children Pray
Six Traits to Build Healthy Families
Parents-Teach Your Children to Share Their Faith & Pray
Fun Family Devotions for the Home
Let's Grow Strong Christian Families
Witnessing-Begins at Home
Begin with Prayer in Witnessing
Witness-God's Way
Spiritual Nurturing Children in the Home-a podcast with Kay Meyer
After Your Prayer Walk
After your take your family prayer walk send us a picture. We will use the pictures on Facebook, our website, and in the email newsletter. Also after at least one walk, fill out and return our survey. When you do we will mail a small remembrance gift to you.