May 12, 2023
Dear Friend:
Greetings in our Savior’s name!
Family Shield Ministries (FSM) Board of Directors unanimously approved taking over the ministry that was previously accomplished through Faith Family Reunion (FFR) at its March 2023 FSM Board meeting. Faith Family Reunion (FFR) was founded by Paula Isakson. It has ministered to parents and grandparents whose adult children have left the faith. Paula was away from the faith for 25 years and is now reunited with the Lord and His church. During those years her parents prayed fervently for her, maintained a positive relationship with her, made sure she knew they loved her, and gently reminded her of God’s love through Christ. Paula’s dad was an LCMS pastor that is now with the Lord. Rev. Mark Wood, the Outreach Director for the LCMS, recommended Family Shield Ministries to Isakson since he knew FSM did similar gospel outreach.
Kay L. Meyer, the founder and president and Rev. Mark Frith, the Board Chairman, agreed, “This ministry fits our vision and mission. We are pleased to continue to serve the Lord and families in need. We invite you to keep us in prayer as we expand and serve parents and grandparents with adult children that have left the faith. Join us in praying that many adult children return to their faith in Christ through our ministry!”
Family Shield Ministries, a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, is composed of Christians who care about families and the gospel, transforming lives now and for eternity. Join hands with us in reaching the lost and equipping those that know Christ to share their faith with family, friends and those in their communities! Family Shield proclaims Jesus Christ as the only means of salvation and that we are saved by faith alone (Eph. 2:8, 9) in Him. Learn more at www.familyshieldministries.org.
Overall Goals of Faith Family Reunion
Faith | Provide resources to congregations, pastors and church leadership to engage hurting parents in order to:
- Restore faith by reminding them of their identity in Jesus Christ
- Renew faith in Jesus Christ by welcoming them in love which can help them to experience forgiveness and come to a place of forgiveness for themselves and the prodigal
- Remind them that faith in Jesus Christ ultimately brings hope to their situation
Family | Create community and outreach, within the church family, for hurting parents by:
- Demonstrating the love and caring of the church by reaching out to them as a church family
- Creating a place where trust (within the church family) is built and offering a safe haven where the walls of pride, shame and secrecy can come down
- Cultivating support and mentoring opportunities with the church family as members of the congregation, pastors and church leaders intentionally interact with them
Reunion | Help parents to come to an emotional place of peace to:
- Reunite them with their prodigals in order to open the door for reconciliation with their family so they can share their faith in Jesus Christ authentically
- Reunite individual families with their church family and create an opportunity for open and honest communication to create a strong familial bond within the congregation
- Reunite pastors and church leaders with parents and the members of their congregation so that they can work together to engage the prodigal and members that have left the church
Equipping Parents and Families with Prodigals
Family Shield Ministries will promote videos, radio and podcast programs that feature Paula and other prodigals that have returned to the faith and encourage and equip parents of prodigals.
Thank you for your prayers and financial support! Your partnership in the gospel makes our work in the ripe and plentiful harvest possible! Prayerfully consider how you can support us as we expand with a gift of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or $10. You can give a one-time gift or sign up to give a monthly gift at www.familyshieldministries.org.
May the Lord continue to bless you, your family, and congregation.
In His service and yours,
Kay L. Meyer Rev. Mark Frith
Founder, President & Host Chairman, Board of Directors
Radio Programs, Podcast Topics, and Guests
with host, Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
Let's Take a Family Prayer Walk
April 17-24
Guest: Jane Haas
After you take a prayer walk, fill out our FPR survey below. After we receive it, we will send you a gift!
Download the FPW survey here:
Download our "Let's Walk and Pray" booklet here:
God Loves MOMS
April 25-May 1
Guest: Christina Hergenrader
Finding Ways to Share Our Faith in Our Daily Life
May 2-8
Guest: Rev. Mark Femmel, Zion Lutheran Church, Maryland Heights, Missouri
Let's Learn about Faith Family Reunion
May 9-15
Guest: Paula Isakson
Learn more about this new ministry of Family Shield Ministries!
Please pray for us as two organizations become one.
Dealing with Conflict Biblically
May 16-22
with Kay Meyer
From Atheism to Christanity
May 23-29
Guest: Rev. Chad Lakies
The Museum of the Bible
May 29-June 5
Guest: Dr. Jeffrey Kloda
A Father's Day Special
June 6-12
Guest: Rev. Brian Weaver
We encourage you and your congregational leaders to post the our topics and guests in their bulletin and encourage members to sign up to receive the weekly podcast.

The new video "Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses" produced by the LCMS is finally out! Kay Meyer of Family Shield is one of the panel guests. You can watch it free at: EveryOneHisWitness.org. The access code is E1HWFREE. If people need assistance, they can email: support@EveryOneHisWitness.org for help. There are nine segments. The three panel guests include: an ex-Jehovah's Witness that is now a Lutheran pastor in Canada, the man who witnessed to him when they were in college together. and Kay Meyer.