

The following stories are examples of individuals who have contacted Family Shield through our ministries and services. This includes the radio program and podcast, the Response Center and Follow Up Services, Evangelism and Educational Programs, the Prayer Ministry, and the Counter Cult Ministry. The Lord continues to open doors for us to share His love and strengthen individuals and their families for Christ.


The Family Shield Radio Program and Podcast: Each week 850,000 people listen to our program on the more than 50 radio stations that air Family Shield. The podcast is heard by thousands more who connect with us through the Internet.

Response Center Statistics: Each year the Response Center and Follow Up services respond to over 7,000 calls, emails, and social media requests from those who contact us. On average 300 of them are unchurched people who contact us. The rest are Christians looking for resources or help with a problem or need in their life.

Why pray? Because the Lord answers prayers.

The following is a story from my book, Witnessing-A Lifestyle.

Sometimes prayer is the only way we can reach unchurched or fallen-away Christians. A Christian grandmother shared, "My son was raised in a Christian home, but now he never attends church. He seems angry at God and has no interest in God's Word. Worst of all, he doesn't allow our two grandchildren to attend Sunday school or church. It grieves Bill and me so! We try to witness to him, but when we talk to him about his relationship with the Lord, he just gets angry. What should we do?"

We prayed together for her son. I encouraged this friend of the ministry to not only ask, but to begin seeking and knocking on God's door for her son and grandchildren. Although she and her husband had been praying privately about this situation, they had not shared their concerns with other Christians. They are now requesting prayers for Bill, his wife, and their two children. Would you pray that God will bring someone into his life who will witness to him? And pray that he will allow his children to learn about Jesus.

An update since my book was written: Bill was invited to attend a church in his community by a friend he liked and trusted. He said "yes." This was an answer to our prayers. Today he is active in his congregation. His wife and children also attend with him. Remember God answers prayers!

I was Flipping through the Radio Dial and Heard Your Program

Carla called after hearing a Family Shield program. She said, “I was flipping through the radio dial when I heard you talking about the Five Love Languages book. I want to submit my name to see if I could receive the complimentary book.” As I spoke with her I asked, “Where do you fellowship? Do you have a home congregation?” “Oh,” she responded, “I haven’t been to church since my mother died some fifteen years ago. I was raised Catholic, but just haven’t been attending church anymore.” I shared additional information about our ministry and was able to talk to her about the Creator of the universe and the Savior of the world. As we continued to visit, I explained that God’s word tells us not to forsake assembling together and asked if she would be open to us referring her to a local Lutheran congregation. She said “yes.” Carla asked numerous questions and was interested in learning more about Jesus. As we ended the conversation, I told her that we would be praying for her and her family. I encouraged her to continue to listen to the radio program and call us again soon. She said she would. We sent her Christian resources that will help her learn more and the names of several LCMS congregations near her home. Please join us in praying for Carla.


Tanya contacted us recently. Her husband doesn’t attend church with her. She explained he had questions about the Christian faith and asked for our help. We visited by phone with her to learn more. His questions focused on Evolution vs. Creationism. We shared past Family Shield programs that dealt with this topic, as well as programs that explained who Jesus is and what He has done for us through His suffering, death and resurrection. We shared websites including Answers in Genesis. She told us he listened to every program. He is currently attending a church membership class to learn more about the faith. Praise the Lord!

Betty Calls and Asks for Help.

God continues to open doors for us to share His love and to strengthen individuals and families through the weekly radio program.

The radio program had just ended when the engineer said, "Kay, you have a call."

"Hello, Mrs. Meyer, are we off the air?"


"Good. You talked today about prayer. I really need your prayers. Would you pray for me and my husband?"

During the next few minutes, this woman shared her story with me. Some months before she learned that her husband had been involved in a long-term affair. She was understandably hurt, angry, and upset. "Mrs. Meyer, he was my best friend! I feel so betrayed! I don't know what to do or where to go for help. I just can't seem to get over the hurt."

She wanted to learn how to forgive him and rebuild their shaky relationship. As we talked I learned she and her husband had not attended church for many years. I couldn't help but ask, "If you never go to church, why are you listening to a Christian radio program?" She responded, "Because I need help and I thought you might be able to offer some answers."

What an open door for the message of God's love through Christ. Toward the end of the conversation, I shared the Gospel and prayed with her. Later we referred her to a Christian counselor and to a congregation near her home. The last time we talked she and her husband were still married and were attending church together. They were also in counseling.

Situations like this often seem impossible to you and me, but God performs miracles every day. He is in the business of restoring broken relationships! After all, isn't that what He sent His Son into the world to do? Opportunities to share the Gospel abound on Christian radio.

Prisoners Write Asking for Prayer and Resources

“I listen to Family Shield each week and am a prisoner in Texas. I almost never attended church and don’t know much about God’s Word. One of the volunteers that come to do Bible studies with us recommended the radio program to me. Thank you for caring about me and my family. I’m learning so much.” John

Marital Concerns

“Thank you for responding to my call, listening to my family situation, sharing resources, and praying with me last week. As I told you my wife and I are separated, but we hope we can resolve our differences. We appreciate your prayers and support so much!” David

Conflict in Families

Sharon called to thank us for our training on reconciliation. She said, “My niece and her father were not talking. I used what you taught us to help them resolve their differences. Praise the Lord!”

Prayer and Encouragement for Families in Crisis

I’m Michael. My wife and I have two young children. I lost my job and was out of work for over a year. Since my wife didn’t work it was a very challenging time. I did some part-time work, continued to volunteer for several non-profit organizations and a church in our community. Last month I accepted a new position. During these challenging times, God walked with us. We were able to pay our mortgage payment during this entire year.  We so appreciate your prayers and encouragement as we went through this life challenge. Thank you!

Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

“I have been very afraid during the past months because of the coronavirus and heard your program that dealt with fear and anxiety. Thank you for speaking about this topic and again encouraging me to trust in the Lord. I need to be reminded of His love and care every day.”

Michele Finds Help for her Sister

“I can’t thank Kay Meyer and Family Shield Ministries enough—without the financial support they receive that enables the ongoing ministry to families, I may not have found the help my sister needed.  I also especially want to thank the individuals, churches, and other organizations that support Family Shield.” Michele Caldwell

A Radio Listener comes to Know Christ

Ken is a radio listener that came to know Christ when he heard what Jesus had done for him for the first time more than 20 years ago on radio. He continues to listen to radio today. He has grown from an unbeliever to a mature Christian who understands he is saved by faith alone. He is actively involved in his congregation and has raised his children to know and love Jesus. He recently shared, “I love to listen to your program and continue to grow in the knowledge of God’s Word and how to apply the law and Gospel. Thank you for caring about me and my family!”

A Jewish Women Writes Us After Hearing a Program on Grieving

The Lord continues to open opportunities for us to share God’s love with those who don’t yet know Christ. Amanda is an 83-year-old widow who wrote after hearing a Family Shield podcast on “Dealing with Grief.” She found us by searching the Internet. She told us how much the program had touched her heart and helped her in the grieving process. She had lost her husband just months before she wrote. She asked if we could connect her to the guest counselor that I had interviewed. She wanted to have him counsel her through her grief. We connected them and he has been counseling her for some months. But, it wasn’t until I got to the end of her letter that she told me she was Jewish and didn’t believe in Jesus. She also shared, “Your program was so hopeful and helpful! I just had to write!” The Holy Spirit guided her as she wrote us. Would you keep her in your prayers? Remember it is never too late to come to know the Lord. Your support allows us to serve many individuals and their families that need Christ! Thank you!

Follow Up about Amanda

Kay contacted the Christian counselor, that was her guest, to see if he might counsel her. He has been doing this for some months. A great example of how our program goes beyond the walls of the church. We also wrote her a letter and shared some additional podcasts.

Learning about Baptism and God’s Word

Craig Branch wrote, “Dear Kay, I received the CD on baptism. Thank you very much for sending it to me. I’m enjoying learning about baptism. You and your guest covered the topic very well! Thanks again for the witnessing seminar and materials. I really enjoyed my day and love your program. God bless you and your ministry.”

Prisoners Write Us

Malcolm wrote us after hearing the radio program for the first time in February. He is a prisoner in Racine, Wisconsin. He heard Kay Meyer and Dr. Dick Hardel discussing the six traits of healthy families on WYLL AM 1160. He recently committed his life to the Lord and asked for resources that would help him grow in faith and learn more about becoming a good father.

Can I Get the Booklet You Offered?

Ben called from the Kansas City area to request a complimentary booklet. He told us that he shared information from our radio program with a business associate who had told him he was burdened with guilt. What he shared had been talked about the previous week on the Family Shield radio program. My guest and I talked about the fact that we didn’t need to keep saying to God, “Please forgive me for doing this or that two years ago.” Once we confess our sin God forgives us. He removes the sin as far as the east is from the west. He remembers it no more! Ben told us that these words helped his friend.

I’m Raising My Grandchildren

Mary called to request the booklet on “parenting” from our radio program. She has taken on raising three grandchildren. These are Mary’s grandchildren, not her husbands. This has caused a strain on the marriage and they are finding that going from ‘empty nesters’ to raising two active boys and a little girl to be almost too much. But…what else could they do? Our Response Center representative offered to send “Parenting with Purpose,” "For Better for Worse," and "Stressed but Connected." Mary said she would read them and pass them on to a few other “second time moms.” She also said to thank you for your program. It encourages and equips her to deal with her daily life. She felt it was aired especially for her!

Childhood Abuse & Forgiveness

Sharon asked, “Can you refer me to a local Christian congregation? I recently moved to Chicago. I used to attend church but haven’t attended in almost 15 years. I’ve been listening to your program each week. The first time I heard it you were talking to someone about childhood abuse. I kept listening because I was physically abused as a child. You and your guest encouraged the listeners to forgive those who had hurt us. Boy, that was something I’d never even thought about doing! But, after thinking about what you said, I asked God to help me forgive my father. I also asked God to help me live a better life.” We spoke with Sharon several times and recommended several churches near her home.

Marital Problems Need Prayer

Scott from St. Louis called us asking us to pray for him and his wife. They are having serious marital problems. We recommended that he find a Christian counselor and gave him several names to contact. We also prayed with him and placed he and his wife on our prayer network.

Forgiveness through Christ

“I’m a single mom and am thankful for your program that helps equip me to raise my young son to know and love Jesus. I heard your program about forgiveness a few weeks ago and it really helped me. I’ve been struggling with some of my past sins. Thank you.”


Family Shield Ministries has designed and presented over 35 educational programs and Bible studies for churches and church groups. Topics include family life, parenting, spiritual growth, apologetics, and learning to witness. Workshops and seminars are from ½ hour to six hours in length.

Thank YOU Kay! From an LWML member

God works many blessings through these educational events. I have been blessed to be a part of the prep and planning for this.
And this morning for the first time since Sept 1,  I do not have a knot in my stomach from the stress and newest problem that my adult wayward son has caused himself.  I thank God for enabling me to finally give it to Him as I listened to your presentation on "Balance-When Life Seems Overwhelming." Thank you for the powerful message on Saturday. We know we need to trust God, but it’s hard to know how to turn loose of our issues.

I Learned to Share My Faith

“I was always afraid to speak up for Christ, but after reading your book and attending a seminar on witnessing that you presented, I began praying that God would help me talk to family and friends about my Savior. Yesterday God opened a door for me to talk about Jesus with a co-worker. He gave me the words in the hour that I need them. Thank you!”

A Young Mom Thanks Us for Our Parenting Programs and Bible studies

Erica wrote: “Thank you for your prayers for me and my son, believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself, listening to my dreams and fears, teaching me about parenting and about the Lord. I know you will be glad to hear that I finished my college degree last year. Being a single mom, this was no easy task. My son and I are doing well. I just wanted to say thank you. You will never know how much your interest and support meant to me.”

Setting Boundaries for Children

“Thank you for presenting “Setting Boundaries for Children” at the parenting class last week at Hope Lutheran Church. I could tell from the discussion that the parents gained valuable insights into how to set boundaries in the home. After the class one mother told me, “I can’t wait to get home to implement some of the suggestions that were shared.”

Reaching Families for Christ

“Thank you for presenting “Reaching Families for Christ Through Lutheran Schools” to the staff at St. John’s Lutheran School. Your program assisted us in creating a plan to more effectively reach unchurched parents in our school.”

Witnessing-A Lifestyle

“I just finished reading your book “Witnessing-A Lifestyle.” It is full of excellent ideas for families to share their faith in the home, as well as in the community. I love the chapter on holidays, too. Thank you.”

Teaching Muslims about Jesus and the Bible

I was blessed in March to lead a Bible study for a women’s group organized by a Christian group that helps New Americans. There were over 25 women who attended. Six of them were Muslims but attended the Bible study because their children attended activities sponsored by the organization. Others came from Vietnam, Egypt, and various other countries. Some were Christians, but most were not. There was a translator. We discussed a Bible study I wrote entitled, “Follow the Light.” We talked about why Jesus is the light of the world and what it means to follow Him. Pretty amazing opportunity! Pray that the words we shared will touch these women’s hearts and lives and that they come to know Jesus as their Savior from sin, death, and the power of the devil.
Kay Meyer of Family Shield

Balance-Christ Filled Living, a Bible Study

Hi Kay, Just wanted to let you know about a month ago I started a Bible study in Colorado. The first study I realized three of the women had never been in a Bible study before—ever! We are studying your book Balance: Christ Filled Living. I thank God for the wisdom and insight you put into this study. They are loving it and soaking in the Scriptures. You are a gift from God. Thank you.
Debbie, an LWML Member

Congregations Reach Out with the Gospel

“Thank you for sharing so many suggestions for outreach and service. I heard you speak about visiting area businesses and asking for prayer request as a congregational outreach. Our church took this idea and began visiting local businesses in Minnesota. Enclosed are 40 prayer requests that we have received. Please join us in praying for these people. We often go back and ask how things are going to show we care. Your ministry is touching more people than you realize.”
Jerry R. from MN

A Pastor of an LCMS Congregation in St. Louis, Missouri

Our congregation has been a supporter of Family Shield Ministries for a number of years and has had Kay Meyer speak to Bible study classes many times. Why do we support Family Shield when there are so many different groups and organizations that we could support? Because the primary goal of Family Shield is to build up and preserve individuals and families in Christ by providing resources and information that does just that—helps them know Christ.

It is often said that the family is the building block of society. That is quite true. For what is a society but a gathering together of a large number of families? For that reason alone, it is important to support families in Christ.

Moreover, when it comes to the care of the pinnacle of God’s creation, the human life, what institution did God create first? He did not first create civil governments or even the Church. No, God created marriage and the family as the first and primary institution to provide care and love for His beloved human creatures. That is why we believe it is critically important to support families in Christ and thus also support Family Shield Ministries in their efforts to reach and equip families for Christ.

Rev. Timothy Knapp, a retired pastor from Maine & a former FSM Board member

The Family Shield radio program is unique both in Lutheran circles and evangelical Christian radio. The uniqueness is found in Kay Meyer’s willingness to take up the most urgent social and religious issues of the day. Her access to Lutheran leaders throughout the United States allows a depth and breadth in guests that places the best and most thoughtful minds of our Synod before the listening public. In addition, the Lutheran perspectives on Law and Gospel, the centrality of Christ and justification by faith are integrated seamlessly into topics under discussion.

I found particularly moving, Kay’s recent program on the conversion of Muslims and the powerful movement of the Holy Spirit in this work. Always useful is her programming on Jehovah’s Witnesses. She is a lifeline of hope for people struggling with family members and friends involved in this cult. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the center of Family Shield Ministries and of the radio outreach and follow-up services.

Understanding God’s Grace

William attended one of our seminars last year. He told us that the seminar and the radio program had helped him understand God’s grace. He said he had grown up in a church where he heard that he had to do a lot of work to please God. He said, “I finally understand that grace is all about what God has done for us through Christ, not about what we have done for God. Thank you for the program! It helped me grow in understanding God’s grace.”

Bible Studies Touch Lives with the Gospel

Hello, my name is Dana.  I was a resident at a maternity home when Kay Meyer taught a series of weekly Bible studies some years ago. I am trying to reach her and this website was my first stop. If you can get this email to her or direct me to where I might be able to reach her I would really appreciate it. I want to thank her for helping me come to know Christ, though at the time I was one of her reluctant students when she was teaching us. But she was the one that planted the seeds. Since than God has changed my entire life. I would like to share this story with her and update her on how many of the once girls that are now women are following Christ. Thank you for any assistance you might be able to provide. We visited later by phone with Dana.


My name is Laura. Kay Meyer offered me enriching Biblical lessons, held me accountable, and will forever be remembered as the sister in Christ who taught me so much about myself, and my Savior when I was pregnant and needed help. Kay is always a servant of the Lord’s work.  I wanted to forward this note to let whoever I could know that Kay is a true blessing and was to many, many single mothers at the maternity home. Coming to know Christ saved my life, and my child’s life.  Thanks be to God! She encouraged me to live and shine with Christ’s light.

People have Questions and Ask for Help

James called our office with questions about the Christian faith after hearing a radio program. Besides sharing the Gospel, we sent additional literature and referred his name to a congregation near his home for follow-up.

Prisoners Write

Clarence is a prisoner. He wrote, “Last month after reading the Portal of Prayer my roommate left for me that you wrote, I asked the Lord to forgive me of my sins and placed my faith in Christ. Now that I know the Lord, I want to grow in His word. Can you send me additional resources about Christian issues?” We did.

Communicating with People that Don’t Know Christ

Paul was an agnostic who lived in New York when he contacted the Family Shield office. He was angry because Kay Meyer had stated in a Witnessing, The Great Commission column, "Only those who have faith in Christ will obtain eternal life in heaven." Paul and Kay corresponded for over a year. The Gospel was proclaimed, the Word was shared. Would you join us in praying for him?

Good Works Not Necessary for Salvation

Marcie stated, "I always thought good works were necessary to have God accept me and grant me eternal life. You said on the radio program that good works are not what get us into heaven, but only our faith in Christ. Would you explain that further?”

I Want to Learn More about God and His Word

Matt said, “I tuned in your program for the first time several weeks ago. I’m not a Christian but am interested in learning more about God. Could you send me a copy of your recent radio program and other resources that will help me learn about God?”

My Teenage Son Was Involved in the Occult

Jane Want stated, “Until I heard your radio guest give signs for parents whose children were involved in the occult, I never knew my teenage son was involved in such things. Thank you for your program! It may have saved my son’s life!”

LHM Referred an LCMS pastor to Family Shield

Jeanette is a mother we have been mentoring by phone for several months. She was originally referred to us by an LCMS pastor in Pittsburgh. Her daughter has gotten involved in a controlling cult. She was un-churched but knew her daughter was in trouble. At first she didn’t understand basics about Christianity, but wanted to learn more. We shared God’s Word and the gospel with her and prayed with and for her. Her daughter has stopped association with the cult but is very depressed. Please keep Jeanette and her daughter in your prayers.

Connecting Individuals to Resources

One of the ministry priorities is to refer individuals in need to organizations that can help. Here ares a few of the other requests the ministry responded to:

A LCMS pastor in Kansas contacted the ministry because he was referred to us by two national ministries. Members of his congregation were taking care of their 15-year old granddaughter who was pregnant. She had been kicked out of her mother’s home. The pastor was trying to find a maternity home where the granddaughter could stay. Family Shield checked its referral list and found a telephone number and email for Heartbeat International. They have a 24-hour telephone help line that connects those seeking help to Christian agencies specializing in helping those who are unwed and pregnant.


Family Prayer Walk Print Resources are available on the website. The Family Shield Family Prayer Walk includes two phases:

Phase One: Equips parents and children to feel comfortable praying together and learn more about prayer and prayer walking.
Phase Two: Equips families to share their faith and witness.


FSM receives prayer requests through our website, Facebook, prayer warriors, from listeners, and through the Response Center. We keep an ongoing list of quarterly prayer requests that we pray for and with. We also share prayers on Facebook, in our email newsletter, and are connected to four private Facebook pages that focus on prayer.

Prayer has always been an important part of our ministry. We often receive requests from those we serve to pray for a family member or friend who is not a Christian. Until the pandemic, we have had a group of prayer warriors that met for prayer and lunch every other month at Concordia Lutheran Church in Kirkwood, Missouri. We have also involved hundreds of other prayer warriors in other areas of the country that we share prayer requests with through our email newsletter, the Facebook page, and other means.

The current plan includes expanding the Prayer Ministry to include Zoom meetings for prayer warriors and promoting the family prayer walking. This is where the Family Prayer Walk Initiative originated. We have also discussed having additional small groups that gather for prayer and lunch.

We have a presented many seminars and workshops on “Improving Your Prayer Life” and “Encouraging Hearts Through Prayer” and have offered prayer breakfasts for congregations, LWML’s, and other church groups. We also share a workshop on “Teaching Our Children to Pray.”

“Thanks, Kay, for connecting my wife and I to the Christian counselor and for praying for our son. As I shared, he is depressed and has talked about suicide. Since he is our only child, we knew we needed prayers and help. May God continue to bless your outreach into the community through the radio program and the important follow up you do to connect families to needed resources.” Michael



Joe was a serviceman that came to our home recently. While at our home he saw some Christian books I had been reading for our radio program. He noticed one was entitled, “Responding & Witnessing to Atheists.” He asked about this book. He said, “I think I might be an Atheist. Can I ask you a couple questions about God?” I said, “Sure.” As I listened to him, I learned he had lost his 12-year-old sister a few years before. It had been sudden. He had a lot of questions about her death at that time, but his Catholic priest told him he asked too many questions and should stop asking questions!

So, Joe stopped. He not only stopped asking the priest questions, but he also stopped going to church. How sad! I told Joe, “Questions are good. It means you want to learn and grow. You can ask me any questions you want.”

He wanted to know where his sister was. He wanted to know about death and why it happens. He had many other questions, as well. I did the best I could to answer his questions.

The Lord gave me the opportunity to share the law and gospel with Joe. Of course, he couldn’t stay long because he was working. Because of this, I asked if he would like me to drop off some books that would help him understand more about Jesus and what He had done for him. He lived close to us. He said, “Yes, please do that!” I dropped off the books and followed up with a call to make sure he had received them. When we spoke he had more questions!

The good news? He no longer thinks he is an Atheist. Now he wants to learn more about his Savior, Jesus Christ. Please keep him in prayer. And praise the Lord with us!

An Atheist Hears the Gospel

I spoke with Tyler last week. Before he placed his faith in Christ, he was an Atheist. He heard the Gospel for the first time on radio. What a blessing to hear from him and learn how the Lord touched him and used our ministry in the process.

Programs about Grief Touch Lives with the Gospel

Recently my husband and I visited with a friend while we were on vacation who had lost her adult son suddenly a year ago.

Although Linda is in counseling, she is still not doing well. She wanted to know how we coped/survived when we lost our two adult sons in 2009 and 2010. We told her that our faith in Christ, knowing we will see them again in heaven, and the prayers of God’s people helped us survive. Linda is not a practicing Christian but believes in God and was anxious to learn more. We prayed with her and will continue to stay in touch. Please join us in praying for her to find God’s comfort and peace as she mourns her son’s death.


Last week Harvey called us after hearing our program on “Dealing with Grief.” He shared, “My grandson died recently in a car accident. Your program was so helpful!  Can you send me the booklet you have on this topic?” We returned his call and ministered to him, send the booklet and let him know he would be in our prayers.


Learn more about the CCM

Family Shield received this message from an ex-Jehovah’s Witness, “I had goosebumps and tears during the entire radio program. What a beautiful testimony by Charles, the ex-JW who was featured on your program. And there was so much Scripture that was shared. Thank you so much for sharing. Your podcast is literally the highlight of my week. I will call soon to request the complimentary tracts. Thank you for your ministry!” Stephanie


Raised by an LCMS pastor and his wife. Began studying with JW and continued studying for two+ years until she began believing their teachings and debating with her parents. Her grandmother asked me to help. I contacted her mom, and sent complimentary resources to her, including my book on this topic. Her parents connected me to her and she wanted to speak with me. I visited by phone with Lindsey for six weeks, two hours each week. Once she had some doubts about the Watchtower her parents got involved again. Her mom spent hours witnessing to her one night on the phone. Lindsey stopped studying with the JW.  A year later her new baby was baptized by her dad. Praise the Lord!


She is a Christian mom whose daughter is a Jehovah’s Witness. She also has grandchildren involved.  Stay in regular contact with her.  Daughter is still a JW. Deb actively witnesses to JW, other than her daughter. She prays for her daughter and an open door to witness.

Wayne is a Disfellowshipped Jehovah’s Witness

Wayne Rogers, a Jehovah’s Witness who was disfellowshipped because he disagreed with the Watchtower Society’s ban on blood transfusions (over 1,000 individuals die each year because they refuse to receive blood) said during an interview, “When I tried to explain to my wife why I disagreed with the WT teaching against having blood transfusions, she put her hands over her ears and ran out of the room. Later the elders encouraged her to obtain a separation and later a divorce. It’s a fact-cults divide families!


A Christian that we helped train and mentor to witness. She was referred to us by her LCMS pastor. She witnessed to several JW for several years in her home. The last time Dee (the main JW) visited her, she told her she had doubts about the Watchtower Society but was going to stop visiting Katrina and try to put her doubts aside. Katrina hopes to witness again the next time JW come by her home.  A lovely young stay at home mom. Praise God for Christians that witness!


Vicki is the mother of a daughter who had decided Jehovah’s Witnesses were correct in their teachings. Her daughter was raised in the LCMS. Vicki connected with us through a JW Internet workshop I taught in partnership with LHM. Then I worked with Vicki for several years. She was a guest on the radio program. We did a video about our work with her for the 25th Anniversary.  Vicki let go of her anger and began loving her daughter instead of arguing with her about theological teachings. After about three years, her daughter stopped studying with JW, because of the witness of her mom. She allowed her mother to take her children to church. The two older children have been confirmed in Vicki’s LCMS church. View our video about the CCM on our website. It shares Vicki’s story.


Pat is the mother and grandmother of Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Meyer first witnessed to Pat in 1981 when Pat was unchurched but interested in learning more about Christ. She is now a wonderful Christian. Over the years Pat has kept a great relationship with her daughter and her granddaughter. Pat has grown into a mature Christian and continues to pray for her daughter and her granddaughter.  She has witnessed to many people, including her mom who placed her faith in Christ when she was dying. Pat was caring for her.  She was featured on a video that LHM did about coming to faith and growing in faith.

Gary Duncan

Gary Duncan of KFUO AM 850 referred Rolla to Family Shield. He is an older man who recently left LDS, but his wife was still involved. We contacted him and shared resources and prayed with him. He had been a member of the LCMS before he became a Mormon and we communicated with the LCMS pastor about his desire to return to the LCMS.

We recently responded to a call from Jennifer who asked for our help in explaining to her daughter-in-law, Lauren, that Jehovah’s Witnesses proclaim a false Christ and a false Gospel. Her LCMS pastor had referred her to us.

Jennifer learned that Lauren was studying with JW’s when her four-year-old granddaughter told her, “Gama, Easter is bad! Mommy said so!” Note: Jehovah’s Witnesses do not celebrate birthdays, Christmas or Easter. Thankfully this spiritual battle is not only helping Jennifer grow in her faith, it is also helping her husband’s faith grow. He has read everything we sent to equip them, listened to many of our radio programs on this topic, visited with Jennifer and her pastor, and is growing in his faith. He never used to attend church with his wife. Now he goes with Jennifer as they learn how to shield their daughter-in-law and two young grandchildren from the false beliefs and teachings of this cult. Please pray for Lauren and her husband. And for Jennifer and her husband, too.


Sue is a retired LCMS teacher.  Her son married a Mormon when in college and his entire family are now active in the Latter-Day Saints. Sue has grown into a very knowledgeable apologist and used to debate with him, but then he stopped allowing her to see her two young grandchildren.  She helped us write a grant that we received from the TX LWML District about the CCM and has volunteered in other ways to help us over the past ten years.


Cindy purchased my book and when I sent the book and complimentary tracts to her.  She responded saying how much she appreciated it. I also connected her and the others family members to each other through email so they can support each other through prayer and encouragement.  Many of them have become great friends.


Gary asked us to speak to his mother, Jackie, who had been studying with Jehovah’s Witnesses and told her son, “I’ve begun to have doubts about my faith due to studying with JW.”  He told her they were a cult and that he would ask me to contact her to explain more. I talked to her several times and mailed complimentary resources to her. It took a few months, but she finally called and told us she had stopped studying with the JW.


Your financial support also helped us work with Mollie (a young mom of two children) who had studied with Jehovah’s Witnesses for 3 years when I was contacted by her family to help. We spent 12 hours over a period of several weeks on the phone with her answering questions and worked with her mother. Thankfully she has now recommitted her life to Christ and has stopped studying with the JW’s.

Jonathan and Elizabeth

Join us in praying for Jonathan and Elizabeth who were referred to us by LHM because of the Family Shield Counter Cult Ministry. Their only son, Mark, and his family (wife and two young children) have gotten involved with Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is a cult. They have been praying for him for over two years and asking the Lord to help them find the resources they need to help reach him with the truth of God’s Word. Also pray for us as we help mentor and equip this couple to share the gospel with him.


Vickie connected with Family Shield Ministries when she attended an online webinar that Kay Meyer taught on “Responding and Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses.” Her daughter, Amber, had been studying with them and was going to become a JW. After the seminar, Meyer connected with Vicki by phone and began mentoring her. Vicki was so angry at her daughter that she was driving her away. She also connected her to other family members in the same situation. One friend of the ministry, Pat, whose daughter is also a JW, became a great friend to Vicki and helped her grow in faith and love her daughter so she saw God’s love through Vicki. We prayed with her often and encouraged her to pray and grow in faith. We stayed in touch by phone and through email since she lives in MN. We sent her tracts we purchase and give away and a complimentary copy of Meyer’s book Mission Field on Our Doorstep: Jehovah’s Witnesses. It took several years, but Amber finally stopped studying with the witnesses. Last year Amber’s son was confirmed at a LCMS church in MN. Praise the Lord!

View the video that was produced for our 25th Anniversary about Vicki on our website here: https://familyshieldministries.com/videos/

Don Nelson

Don Nelson wrote asking for information concerning witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses. His son and daughter-in-law had begun studying with Witnesses. Don lived across the country from us. We corresponded and spoke by phone with him often. He wanted to learn more about their teachings so he could share his faith with his son and DIL and explain their false teachings to them. We also mailed a 10-day radio series we did on this topic on AM 850 KFUO, other resources, tracts, a series of articles, and a list of books and resources. We encouraged him to pray that God would work in his children's lives. It took three years. Finally, he wrote to let us know his children had stopped association with the Witnesses and had returned to a Christian congregation. We praise God for parents who witness to children!


Cindy called asking for information about Jehovah’s Witnesses and asking us to pray for her sister who is a witness. We sent her complimentary material. Last week she called again to tell us her sister is willing to look at some of the material. She asked for our prayers.


Cathy e-mailed us to tell us she and her husband would be listening to our upcoming radio program on “Responding in Love to Mormons.” She said, “We recently had Mormons move in down the street. We really like them. Our son plays with their son. We want to witness to them in a loving, Christ-centered way. We will listen to your program on this topic that was promoted in your e-mail newsletter. Thanks for educating us about cults!


Jackie was referred by her son to us. He told her we would be calling her and to listen to what we had to say because the JW were not Christians. We called and visited with Jackie numerous times over the next few months. It took time, but several months later she called to thank us and to tell us she had stopped studying with the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Please keep Jackie in your prayers.

I was surprised to get a letter recently from a Jehovah’s Witness couple. It was addressed to me at Family Shield Ministries. They invited me to meet with them and discuss God’s Kingdom with them. I immediately shared that I would love to do this through the email address they had given me. Then I guess they checked out the Family Shield Ministries website and learned how much I know about their teachings. We continued to try to set a meeting up by Zoom due to the pandemic. They put me off three times, I think because they had learned of my background and read some of my articles. They tend to only want to talk to people who don’t know much about God’s word and because my house has been marked for well over 40 years, I wasn’t sure they would actually meet with me. But, they did! I continued to be kind and caring in my approach. They, of course, believe the Watchtower Society is God’s Kingdom and that it speaks for God. We know they are a false prophet, but to reach them you we must ask good questions that make them think. Please join me in praying for this couple.
Kay Meyer, President, Family Shield Ministries and author of Mission Field on Our Doorstep: Jehovah’s Witnesses.


Teresa e-mailed the ministry asking for help. She had just learned that her beloved brother had converted to Mormonism. She wants to learn how to explain the reasons why the Mormon Church is a cult. She is also concerned because he is the godfather of her youngest child. We shared some resources and have continued to meet with her, her father, and stepmother. We are helping to equip them to cope and witness to Tim.

Grandma, I can’t celebrate Christian this year!” That’s what my grandson told me,” stated Martha. His mother, who is divorced from her son, recently began studying with Jehovah's Witnesses. “The child’s mother had convinced my 8-year-old grandson that God has forbidden Christmas celebrations! How can I share the truth about God and His love with my grandson?”


Most of our current mentoring-missionary work is done through the Counter Cult Ministry, but we plan to expand this important area of ministry in 2022. Here is one example of a mother-daughter we worked with during the pandemic. Please note we have changed names to keep their information confidential.

Janet is one of the mothers we mentored by phone for over 6 months during the pandemic. She was originally referred to us by Rev. Eric Andrae, an LCMS pastor in Pittsburgh, who knew about Family Shield and our work in helping families whose children/family have gotten involved in cults. Her daughter was involved in a controlling cult. Janet didn’t understand many basics about Christianity when we first spoke with her. But she wanted to learn more and help her daughter. We shared the saving gospel message, God’s Word and continued to pray with her and for her. She had gone through some trauma in her life. We prayed with her about this and asked the Lord to heal her and help her. The second time we spoke, she was calm and very interested in learning more about spiritual things. God answered our prayer for her. She was amazed when we explained that she was saved by faith alone in Christ. She had never heard this before. She was a fallen away Roman Catholic who hadn’t attended church in many years. She wanted us to share all the Bible verses about this topic. We did. She grew in faith, completed several Bible studies with us and listened to many Family Shield podcasts we recommended. She then began doing a daily devotion with her daughter and reading the Bible together. We mentored her for some time and then continued to stay in touch. We continued to pray with her for her daughter.

Her daughter, Jordan, became very depressed last year. Finally early in 2021 she realized she had been involved with a cult and needed help. Janet let me know her daughter wanted our help and was ready to talk with us so we can help her get over the experience she had with this cult.

Days later, Jordan, Janet's daughter, contacted me and asked for our help.  She knew she had been involved with a controlling cult that taught many false Biblical beliefs. She was concerned that because of their false teachings she may not really be a Christian. She asked that we help mentor her and help her grow in faith. We were happy to do this.

We have been meeting weekly by phone with her for months. Jordan told me that she carried a lot of guilt because of her past sins. She said, “They (the organizational leaders who were very controlling) told us that if we confessed our sins, but then sinned again, we were not really sorry and we were not forgiven. She said they taught she could stop sinning.” This was one of the many times when we talked about why Jesus suffered and died for us and that he died for ALL our sins. I also discussed Hebrews 1:8 with her, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” We cannot be perfect or without sin. We asked her to listen to some of our podcasts like “It’s All About Jesus,” “Learning about God and His Word,” as well as other topics. She did. She also completed several Bible studies with us.

Last week when we spoke she shared, “I feel so much better, Mrs. Meyer. I feel content for the first time in so long! I was living in fear every day because of what they had taught me. Now I know Jesus loves me and will forgive me when I confess my sins. Thank you so much!” Please continue to pray for Jordan and for us as we mentor her.  


False teachings and beliefs permeate today's families. Family Shield is dedicated to equipping families to share their faith with children, grandchildren, friends, and co-workers. The Family Shield Counter Cult Ministry helps individuals involved in the Watchtower Society and Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints work with family members and friends concerned about loved ones caught in the trap of the Watchtower Society and other cults.