June 17, 2021

Opportunities Abound to Share the Gospel
My husband, Chad, came home last week and shared, "Kay, I had a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel today with a man who is an immigrant. He works at the local grocery store. I've been getting acquainted with him for several months. His wife has cancer. I asked how she was doing and he shared their challenges." After he shared this, I asked, "Are you a believer?"
He answered, "No. I'm not. I tried to read the Bible a couple times but just didn't understand it." Chad encouraged him to ask the Lord to help him understand the Bible as he reads it and suggested he read the Gospel of John. The man went on to say, "I never understood why Jesus had to die on the cross." My husband explained more about the reason Jesus suffered and died on the cross for our sins. Chad told me he seemed very interested in learning more and had several questions. He told my husband he would pray and ask God to help him understand the Bible. Chad told him he'd touch base again with him soon. Would you join us in praying for this man and his wife? Opportunities abound to share the gospel, don't they? Thank you for your prayers!
Want to learn how to witness? My book Witnessing-A Lifestyle was recently reduced in price and is now available for $8.00. This includes the 160-page book, plus the postage and handling. It helps Christians learn to share their faith. The book shares examples of how I have opened up conversations about the Lord with people I meet, and more about sharing the gospel and God's Word with family, friends and those in the community. It also includes stories of how other Christians have witnessed.
The book also includes a list of Bible verses about witnessing and "Discussion Group Questions" for the four segments of the book. They include:
- Witnessing Basics
- Witnessing Begins at Home
- Witnessing During Holidays; and
- Witnessing in the Community, Church, and School
Yes, opportunities to share the gospel abound in today's world! Learn how to share your faith-with all types of people-in the home, at work, and in the community.
Remember your prayers and support makes our outreach possible. Thank you!
In His Service and yours,

Kay L. Meyer, Founder,
President & Host
Radio Programs, Podcast Topics and Guests
with host, Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
Faith That Engages the Culture
Guest: Dr. Alfonso Espinosa, author
The Challenge of Suicide
Guest: Rev. Peter Preus, author of And She Was a Christian
Three of Reev. Preus books will be given away. If interested, call 1-877-250-8416 to enter the drawing or email witnesstofamily@gmail.com.
Dealing with Grief
Guest: Dr. Greg DeNeal
Equipped: The Armor of God for Everyday Struggles
May 18-24
Guest: Rev. Christopher Kennedy, author
Traveling with Children
May 25-May 31
Guest: Jamie Clausing
Parents Rising: Eight Strategies for Raising Kids Who Love God, Respect Authority, and Value What's Right
June 1-7
Host: Coreen Jander
Guest: Arlene Pellican, author
Finding Forgiveness
June 8-14
Guest: Donna Snow
Why Fathers Are Important to Their Children
June 15-21
Guests: Dave Powell and Jackson Powell
Crossing the Chasm: Helping Mormons Discover the Bridge to God
June 22-28
Guest: Rev. Jon Leach, Truth In Love Ministry
Three of the books "Crossing the Chasm" will be given away after the program airs. To sign up to win call 1-877-250-8416 or email witnesstofamily@gmail.com. The books will be mailed to the winners, so please leave your complete name and address.

Family Prayer Walk Resources
Phase One: Equips parents and children to learn about prayer and prayer walking.
Phase Two: Equips families to share their faith and witness as they pray.
Download the two page flyer that you can share at your congregation or with family members.
Download The Resource for Family Prayer Life and Prayer Walks by Jane Haas.
Please complete and submit the FPW survey (click here for link) after you have taken at least one family prayer walk.
To learn more about prayer and prayer walking or promote it at your congregation or school listen to the Family Shield radio programs, podcasts and an interview about the Family Prayer Walk with the host of Encounter, Dr. Harold Hendrick, of Bott Radio Network. Kay was his guest.
- Family Prayer Walk radio program featuring Jane Haas
- Family Prayer Walk Leadership Training with Kay Meyer
- Witnessing Through Prayer with Rev. Jim Buckman
- Listen to a radio interview featuring Kay Meyer. She is interviewed by Dr. Harold Hendrick, host of Encounter, Bott Radio Network here.
After your walk send us a picture of your family. We will use the pictures on Facebook, the website, and in the email newsletter. Also after at least one walk, fill out and return our survey.
Our Gift to You
Family Shield has a small remembrance gift for families that complete at least one prayer walk and return the survey to us.