May 6, 2022

An Opportunity to Witness
I was surprised to get a letter from a Jehovah’s Witness couple last year during the pandemic. It was addressed to me at Family Shield Ministries. They invited me to meet with them by phone and discuss God’s Kingdom. I shared that I would love to do this through the email address they had given me. Then I guess they checked out the Family Shield website or my name and learned that I know a lot about what Jehovah’s Witness teach and believe. They also learned about my book Mission Field on Our Doorstep: Jehovah’s Witnesses. They canceled on me three times, but finally agreed to visit by phone with me. They normally tend to only want to talk to people who don’t know much about God’s word and because my house has been marked for over 40 years, I wasn’t sure they would actually meet with me. But they did!
Rather than debating things we disagree about with them, I was kind and asked questions that would make them think about some of their false Biblical beliefs. They, of course, believe the Watchtower Society is God’s only Kingdom on earth and that it speaks for God. We know the organization is a false prophet and teaches a false Christ and a false gospel.
To reach them effectively we have to ask good questions and share the law & gospel. I continue to stay in touch with them and recently invited them to come and visit me now that the dangers of door-to-door work is behind us. Please keep me and this couple in prayer.
Articles and Podcasts
Here is an article I wrote about my home being marked. Because of this, Jehovah's Witnesses do not come to my door. Here is the article.
Responding to Jehovah’s Witnesses-Sample Radio Programs & Podcasts from Family Shield
Sample radio programs/podcast from the FSM Counter Cult Ministry
Conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses. What Works? What Doesn’t? with Dr. Ron Rhodes
Responding and Witnessing Effectively to Jehovah’s Witnesses. Featuring Kay Meyer
Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Leave? Guest: Charles Smith, an ex-JW
Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses. Guest: Dr. Jeff Schwehm, an Ex-JW
Building a Positive Relationship with a Jehovah’s Witnesses with Keith Walker
Family Shield’s Counter Cult Ministry with Kay Meyer & a guest served through the CCM ministry
Rescuing Your Loved One from the Watchtower-Part Two with David Reed-Part Two
Family Shield Ministries also has videos on the website about the FSM Counter Cult Ministry.
In His Service and yours,
Kay L. Meyer

Radio Programs, Podcast Topics, and Guests
with host, Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
What Do I Say to Jehovah's Witnesses?
April 19-24
Guest: Brian Pope, author
Foster Care Children & Adoption
April 25-May 2
Guest: Jennie Schroll, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker at www.bearmountainclinicalservices.com
After the Resurrection
May 3-9
with Kay Meyer of Family Shield
Jesus was on earth for 40 days after the Resurrection according to Acts 1:3. What did He do? Who saw him? Learn more on today's program.
Responding to Atheist
May 10-16
Guest: Dr. Ron Rhodes
Divorce and Our Children
May 17-23
Guest: Yvette Marie Seltz
Dealing with a Disability
May 24-May 30th
Guest: Judy Redlick, Host of Encounter
Serving Christ Through Service
May 31-June 6
Guest Host: Rev. Alex Schrader
Guest: Art Klausmeier
June 7-13
Bible Storying for Families
Guest: Rev. Jason Boetcher
Guest Host: Rev. Mark Frith
June 14-20
Conflict in Marriage
Guest: Marty Lindvedt
June 21-27
Spiritual Warfare
Guest: Rev. Michael Newman
June 28-July 5
Summertime Activities for Children & Families
with Kay Meyer
Joining Jesus as a Family:
How to Raise Your Children to be Followers of Jesus.
with Greg and Susan Finke
Please pray for:
- Kay Meyer as she has cataract surgery on May 19th for her first eye and on June 23rd on the second eye.
- Our guest hosts, Rev. Mark Frith and Rev. Alex Schrader. Both serve on our Board of Directors.
- The many individuals and families we serve who have loved ones involved in a cult, another religion or those who do not yet know Jesus. And pray that their unsaved loved ones will hear the gospel and place their faith in the Savior.
- The individuals and families we serve who have a health problem or a loved one facing a health problem such as: cancer, heart concerns, those looking for a new job, and those who are anxious, depressed, or lonely.
- For peace in our world and that the war in Ukraine would end.
- Please remember that you can submit a prayer request on our website.
Learn about our Board of Directors here:
Learn about stories of people we touch here:
Learn about our Family Prayer Walk here:
Learn about our books and resources here:
Learn about videos here:
Learn about our "Witnessing Articles" here:
Learn about our podcast and download them here:
Family Shield Ministries, Inc, is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and is recognized for tax-deductible giving by the federal government. It is also a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. You can give by sending a donation or through our website at www.familyshieldministries.com.