February 25, 2021

Family Shield's Family Prayer Walk
Question #1: I don't feel comfortable praying out loud. Can I still do a prayer walk with my family? And can you give me suggestions so I can learn to pray out loud?
We received this question from several people. Thanks for asking it. It is a great question!
Many people don’t like to pray out loud. They feel uncomfortable. This is not surprising since so many people are afraid of public speaking. Praying out loud is kind of like public speaking, isn't it?
Yes, you can go on the Family Prayer Walk even if you don't feel comfortable praying out loud. You can pray silently or write down a prayer and read it with your family on your walk. We have posted several sample prayers on our website that you can print off and read. We are also promoting the book There's a Prayer for That... published by Northwestern Publishing House.
But, let me share a few suggestions that could help you learn how to pray out loud.
- Begin by praying out loud by yourself. Yes, when you are alone, pray out loud to God. He loves to hear from His children! You will probably find it much easier than you think.
- Invite a family member or friend to join you in a prayer. Tell them you want to learn to pray out loud and ask for their help. Remember you don't have to be in the same room to pray together. You can pray by phone together. Or when you gather in your home or another location.Then take a few minutes to talk about prayer needs together. Write down a few notes as you talk. So, let's say you talk about your sister who is not a Christian. Write "pray for my sister Sharon and her faith" on your list.Then you talk about a friend who recently lost his job. Write "new job for John" on your list. Then allow your prayer partner to share a couple prayer requests with you. Then the two of you can pray for these needs together.
- If you don’t feel comfortable praying without having a written prayer you can read one. Take a few extra minutes to write your prayers down. Here is a sample: "Lord, please touch the heart of my sister and help her come to faith in Christ. Be with John who needs to find a new job. Open a door for him to find a new great job quickly. Thank you. In Jesus name. Amen."
- Another thing you might do is to memorize a prayer and pray it together. One prayer most people already know is "The Lord's Prayer." You might begin or end your prayer walk with this prayer or stop during the walk to pray together.
Question #2: I have a grown son who was raised in the Christian church, but never goes to church anymore. He still says he believes, but doesn't attend worship services. We continue to encourage him in his faith walk with Jesus. Should we ask him to join us on the family prayer walk?
Yes, if your son still believes in Christ as his Savior and Lord, certainly invite him to join you on your family prayer walk. Before your walk with him, be in prayer that his faith will grow and be strengthened during your conversation and walk together. During your walk ask him if there is anything that he would like you to pray for him. Also encourage him to join in prayer to the Lord.
Question #3: I have a daughter that is actively involved in a non-Christian religion. Should I invite her to join us on our family prayer walk?
Another great question and one that many of the Family Shield Ministries supporters and listeners will want to know. Because of Family Shield's Counter Cult Ministry (CCM) many of those we serve have family members who are in non-Christian religions or organizations like Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons.
But if the family member is actively involved in a non-Christian religion and is not a Christian or if going on a prayer walk together will cause you to argue or fight, I would suggest that you Pray For your loved one, but not walk and pray together. Feel free to discuss this with your pastor or another church leader. Each situation is unique and different.
In His Service and yours,

Faith Spelbring and Coreen Jander in the Family Shield studio
Radio Programs, Podcast Topics and Guests
with Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
and host of Family Shield
From Mormonism to Christianity
Guest: Micah Wilder
January 24-31
The Five Love Languages for Married Couples
Guest: Dr. Gary Chapman
February 1-8
Sign up to receive a free copy of his book by sending us your name and address at witnesstofamily@gmail.com. Three books will be given away the last week of February.
God's Promises for Families
with Kay Meyer
February 8-15
Heaven is Our Home!
Guest: Rev. Randy Asburry
February 16 -22
Family Health and Wellness
Guest: Marty Lindvedt
February 22-March 1
Family Prayer Walk-Phase One
Guest: Jane Haas
March 1-8
Family Prayer Walk Print Resources
The Family Shield Family Prayer Walk includes two phases.
Phase One: Equips parents and children to feel comfortable praying together and learn more about prayer and prayer walking.
Phase Two: Equips families to share their faith and witness.
Download the two page flyer that you can share at your congregation or with family members here.
Download The Resource for Family Prayer Life and Prayer Walks by Jane Haas here.
Cancer-Courage through Christ!
Guest: Rev. D. Michael Hackbardt, President of God's Word to the Nations Mission Society
March 8-15
Building a Relationship with Jehovah's Witnesses
Guest: Keith Walker
March 15-22
Faith to Follow: The Journey of Becoming a Pastor's Wife
Guests: Kate Meadows and Coreen Jander
March 22-29
Family Shield's Easter Special-The Last Words of Christ
Guest: Rev. Jonathan Cain
March 22-29
The Grieving Process of Losing a Child
Guest: Rev. Jerry Hays
March 30-April 5
Stepping Out to a Life on the Edge with Deb Burma
A Mother's Day Special