April 8, 2021

A Family Shield Resurrection Quiz for You and Your Family
Christians spend a lot of time before Easter learning about Jesus' suffering and death on the cross for our sins. But, do we know as much about what happened after the resurrection?
I prepared the Resurrection Quiz for You and Your Family. Why not see if you can answer the questions below. Consider doing one question per day or per week as a family or a personal devotion. If you are not sure about the answers, Bible references are included following the question for you to look up. You can also email us at witnesstofamily@gmail.com to receive the questions with Bible verses already written out.
Answer the Following Questions:
- How many days did Jesus appear to people after His resurrection? (Acts 1:3)
- Did He eat food after He rose from the dead? (Luke 24:36-43)
- Does it seem He could appear and disappear at will after His resurrection? (John 20:19, John 20:26, Luke 24:31)
- What was the largest number of people who saw Him after He rose from the dead? (1 Cor. 15:6)
- Did anyone touch Him after He rose? (John 20:27 and John 20:17)
- Why do you think people didn’t recognize Him immediately after the resurrection? (Luke 24:13-16)
- List and discuss some of the people who saw Him after the resurrection. (Luke 24:18, John 20:17)
- What were some of the last words the Bible records that Christ spoke before His ascension? (Acts 1:11-12, Luke 24:50, Matt. 28)
- Why is the resurrection of Christ important to you? Why is it important that Christ rose bodily from the dead?
- How does our baptism unite us to Christ resurrection? (Romans 6:3)
- What do other Bible verses say about the resurrection of Christ? (John 11:25, 1 Cor. 15:13, Phil 3:10, Matt. 28:1-7, Matt. 27:53, Luke 24, 1 Cor. 15:1-11, and Rev. 20:5)
Listen to a Family Shield radio program/podcast, After the Resurrection which talks about answers to the questions and more about the 40 days Jesus was on earth after His resurrection.
In His Service and yours,

Kay L. Meyer, Founder,
President & Host
Abiding Savior Lutheran Church Promotes a Family Prayer Walk
Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in St. Louis county, Missouri will sponsor a Family Prayer Walk for its members on Sunday, May 2, 2021 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on the school track behind the church and school.
Family Shield Ministries (FSM) is thankful for Abiding Savior and its focus on prayer. We're also thankful for Jane Haas, who serves on the FSM Family Prayer Walk committee, is the ASLC volunteer prayer walk coordinator and a prayer warrior. We encourage churches to promote taking a family prayer walk. To learn more contact Family Shield Ministries at witnesstofamily@gmail.com.

Radio Programs, Podcast Topics and Guests
with Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
and host of Family Shield
Family Prayer Walk-Phase One
Guest: Jane Haas
Family Prayer Walk Print Resources
The Family Shield Family Prayer Walk includes two phases:
Phase One: Equips parents and children to feel comfortable praying together and learn more about prayer and prayer walking.
Phase Two: Equips families to share their faith and witness.
Download the two page flyer that you can share at your congregation or with family members.
Download The Resource for Family Prayer Life and Prayer Walks by Jane Haas.
Please complete and submit the FPW survey (click here for link) after you have taken at least one family prayer walk. Thank you!
Lent and Today's Families
Guests: Mark Sengele and Julie Baumler
5-Minute Bible Studies for Families
Guest: Rev. Jay Bickelhaupt, Author
Faith to Follow: The Journey of Becoming a Pastor's Wife
Guest: Kate Meadows, author
Host: Coreen Jander
Grieving the Loss of a Child
Guest: Rev. Jerry Hays
April 5-April 12
Stepping Out to a Life on the Edge
April 12-19
Guest: Deb Burma. Author
Family Prayer Walk Training for Family Leaders
April 19-26
with Kay Meyer
Part two of a three part series on a FPW
The Challenge of Suicide
April 26-31
Guest: Rev. Peter Preus, author of And She Was a Christian
Faith That Engages the Culture
April 31-May 3
Guest: Dr. Alfonso Espinosa, author
A Mother's Day Special
May 4-10
Guest: Faith Spelbring
Dealing with Grief
May 11-17
Guest: Dr. Greg DeNeal
Topic: Dealing with Mental Illness
May 18-24
Guest: To be announced
Topic: To be Announced
May 25-June 1

Christ Filled Living
A Bible study by Kay L. Meyer
$6.00 includes S&H
Order your copy today!
- Knowing Jesus Gives My Life Balance
- Prayer Gives My Life Balance
- Balance When Life Seems Overwhelming
- My Life Has Balance Because God Keeps His Promises
- Encouragement and Contentment Gives My Life Balance
- Serving and Sharing Christ Gives My Life Balance.
"Hi Kay, Just wanted to let you know - about a month ago I started teaching your Bible study in Colorado. During the first week I realized three of the women had never been in a Bible study before—ever! We studied your book Balance: Christ Filled Living. I thank God for the wisdom and insight you put into this study. They are loving it and soaking in the Scriptures. You are a gift from God. Thank you."
Debbie, an LWML Member