March 26, 2021

Dear Family Shield Friend,
Family Shield Ministries invites you and your family to take a Family Prayer Walk together!
The Family Prayer Walk (FPW) allows us to expand our prayer ministry as we strengthen and reach families for Christ. Download the digital flyer on our website to learn more. We are producing print, digital and media resources to help you teach your children and family about prayer and the Lord. We recently completed a radio program about the FPW and will answer questions in our email newsletter and our Facebook page.
The syndicated Family Shield radio program is heard on over 50 stations throughout the United States and the podcast is available on the Internet. Did you know you can subscribe to the podcast and have it sent to your cell phone, I-Pad or computer? It is easy and free! Check it out here: https://familyshieldministries.com/category/podcast/
Recently I interviewed Martin, a young father who shared a college experience that changed his life. He was 19 years old and attending college for the first time. He had been raised in a Christian home and was excited to be in an Old Testament class. Then his professor told the class that the teachings they had heard about Christ as they grew up were not true. He told them, “Miracles don't happen. What you learned in Sunday school is not true!” This shook Martin up, as it did many of his classmates. But rather than just believe the professor, Martin went to a Christian bookstore and bought Defending the Faith by Josh McDowell. This apologetic book helped him learn how to defend his faith.
In today's world, parents are concerned about their youth when they send them to college or work. How do we equip them to defend their faith against false teachings and dangerous beliefs? And why do we need to know God's Word to defend our faith? Martin and I discussed ways parents can prepare youth and young adults to contend for the faith (Jude 1:3).
I am always so blessed when I interview my guests! It is not only a blessing for me, but for the hundreds of thousands of people who listen to our program each week.
Thank you for your support, which allows us to continue to produce, air, and distribute programs and accomplish our gospel outreach in the ripe and plentiful harvest. Your ongoing and faithful support allows us to proclaim God's love with many people who don't know Christ! Please prayerfully consider a gift of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50, or whatever amount the Lord leads you to give. You can send a check or give a one time gift or monthly gift at www.familyshieldministries.com/online-giving/.
Your partnership in proclaiming the gospel is making an eternal difference in the lives of those we reach, equip, and serve. Thank you for caring about families.
In His Service and yours,

Kay L. Meyer, Founder,
President & Host
P.S. Let us know how your Family Prayer Walk went or if you have questions. We encourage you to fill out the FPW survey on our website, www.familyshieldministries.com/family-prayer-walk-survey. When you submit the survey, please also submit a picture from your walk that we can share on our Facebook page. Find additional resources about prayer and prayer walking on our website.

Radio Programs, Podcast Topics and Guests
with Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
and host of Family Shield
Heaven is Our Home!
Guest: Rev. Randy Asburry
February 16 -22
Family Health and Wellness
Guest: Marty Lindvedt
February 22-March 1
Family Prayer Walk-Phase One
Guest: Jane Haas
March 1-8
Family Prayer Walk Print Resources
The Family Shield Family Prayer Walk includes two phases:
Phase One: Equips parents and children to feel comfortable praying together and learn more about prayer and prayer walking.
Phase Two: Equips families to share their faith and witness.
Download the two page flyer that you can share at your congregation or with family members.
Download The Resource for Family Prayer Life and Prayer Walks by Jane Haas.
Lent and Today's Families
Guests: Mark Sengele and Julie Baumler
March 8-15
Dealing with Cancer
Guest: Rev. D. Michael Hackbardt
March 15-22
5-Minute Bible Studies for Families
Guest: Rev. Jay Bickelhaupt, Author
March 22-29
Faith to Follow: The Journey of Becoming a Pastor's Wife
Guest: Kate Meadows, author
Host: Coreen Jander
March 30-April 5
The Grieving Process of Losing a Child
Guest: Rev. Jerry Hays
April 5-April 12
Stepping Out to a Life on the Edge
April 12-19
Guest: Deb Burma
Family Prayer Walk Training for Family Leaders
April 19-26
with Kay Meyer
The Challenge of Suicide
April 26-31
Guest: Rev. Peter Preus, author of And She Was a Christian
Faith That Engages the Culture
April 31-May 3
Guest: Dr. Alfonso Espinosa
A Mother's Day Special
An ex-Jehovah's Witness finds the Christ of the Bible