You are Invited! Prodigal Parent Ministry Training

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September 20, 2024

Faith Family Reunion Parents of Prodigals Ministry Training

A Family Shield Prodigal Parent Training

for LCMS Church Workers & Parents of Prodigals

Gethsemane Lutheran Church
765 Lemay Ferry Rd.
Lemay, Missouri 63125

Saturday, October 26, 2024
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

There is no cost to attend. Lunch is included.

Parents of Prodigals

Parents of Prodigals suffer the burden of children & grandchildren who have stopped participating in the life of the church and resist the teaching and practice of God’s Word and God’s ways. Parents of Prodigals anxiously worry over their children who have gone astray. Where can they find help, support, and counsel for such burdens? 

Family Shield Ministries (FSM) invites you and your congregation to attend a one-day training for Parents of Prodigals and LCMS church leaders in the metro St. Louis area interested in learning how to serve Parents of Prodigals, and how your congregation can begin small support groups for them.

Paula Isakson will be the speaker. She was a prodigal child for 25 years before returning to her faith in Christ. After she recommitted her life to Christ, she began Faith Family Reunion (FFR) with her father, an LCMS pastor who is now with the Lord. Faith Family Reunion merged into Family Shield Ministries in March of 2023. Click here to watch a video that LHM produced some years ago that shares her story. Family Shield Ministries (FSM) is a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Topics that will be addressed on October 26 include: Unconditional Love and Our Prodigals, Communication with our Prodigals, Dealing with Loss, How to Pray for Our Prodigals, How to Connect with Our Prodigals, Creating Community with Other Parents, Why Forgiveness is So Important, and Dealing with Hurt and Guilt. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required in advance. Space is limited.

Please prayerfully consider sending one of your church workers and a parent of a prodigal to the training. Because it can be difficult to know who your Parents of Prodigals are, we encourage you to share the following bulletin inserts with church members.

Bulletin Insert #1:

LCMS Congregational Leaders and Parents of Prodigals are invited to the Family Shield Ministries Saturday, October 26 training at Gethsemane Lutheran Church in Lemay, MO.
Parents of Prodigals raised their children in the church, but their children have stopped attending church or have left the faith. Faith Family Reunion, a new ministry of Family Shield Ministries, wants to help serve Parents of Prodigals. Family Shield will feature Paula Isakson, a prodigal child for 25 years before returning to her faith in Christ. She will be the speaker for the one-day training from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to equip and serve Parents of Prodigals and church leaders. Register here:

Bulletin Insert #2:

A One-Day Parents and LCMS Church Leaders Training
Family Shield Ministries will host a training event for Parents of Prodigals and LCMS church workers in the metro St. Louis area at Gethsemane Lutheran Church in Lemay, Missouri on Saturday, October 26, 2024. The keynote speaker will be Paula Isakson. The event is from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Registration is required in advance on our website. Faith Family Reunion merged with Family Shield Ministries in March of 2023. Register here:

Please pray for this event and for Parents of Prodigals who often struggle alone within their congregation. Also pray for their children.

To learn more, contact: or go to our website at

In His Service and Yours,

Kay L. Meyer

Kay L. Meyer
Founder & President Emeritus

"Give as freely as you have received." (Matthew 10:8)