Identity Theft
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|What is identity theft? How do thieves steal an identity? How can you prevent this from happening and what do you do if it does happen? Join us today as I interview Katie Koelling, senior counsel for Thrivent Financial within Thrivent Financial's general counsel office. She serves as Thrivent Financial's privacy, anti-money laundering and identity theft officer and manager of ...
Celebrating 25 Years & Stepping Into the Future with Christ
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Who do you turn to when a family member has strayed from the faith? How do you cope with your own feelings of loss when a family member is losing their way? What resources are available to you when you are seeking help or assistance? Join us today as we explore one organization that has been helping families for over ...
Sharing the Gospel with Hurting People
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|We don’t need to go far to find hurting people both within and outside of the church. We just need to listen. As we listen we learn about the challenges family and friends are facing in today's world. Here are a few stories about people we've listened to and worked with through the Family Shield Follow-up Services and Response Center.
Dealing with Conflict and Reconciliation
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|How do you handle conflict in your home and family? When conflict occurs, how do you resolve it? How might a Christian counselor help you learn to resolve conflict and be reconciled? Join us today as we discuss conflict and reconciliation. My guest today is Dr. Gary Peterson, the director of Graduate Counselling and Graduate Education at Concordia University in ...
Raising Godly Girls
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Your new daughter is precious in your sight. She’s also precious to God. She’s been created, chosen and redeemed by her Savior. She is the princess of the King. How do we raise godly girls? How do we help them learn that they are fearfully and wonderfully made? And how do we help them grow in faith? Join us today ...
Middle School: The Inside Story
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Middle school involves some really tough, confusing years for today’s youth. Many parents are caught off guard by the changes in their children when they begin the transition out of childhood and into adolescence. Did you ever wonder what goes on in the mind of a middle schooler? Join us today as I interview Cynthia Tobias, the author of Middle ...
A Journey of Faith
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Have you ever prayed for a miracle? Although God always answers our prayers, He doesn’t always answer them in the way we desire. Join us today as I talk with a man who prayed fervently for a miracle. He prayed that the Lord would spare his twin sons who had been born prematurely. God did perform a miracle but it ...
Helping Our Children Grow in Faith
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|How do we begin the process of spiritual nurture in the home? How can we help our children and grandchildren learn to love God and grow in faith? What are some fun family activities and devotions that we can do with our children or grandchildren? Join us today as we talk about helping our children grow in faith. I’ll share ...
The Secret Life of Angels
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|You’ve probably seen depictions of angels in popular tv shows and movies, and you’ve read about angel encounters. But really, most of these accounts often have little in common with the Bible’s portrayal of angels. How can you tell what is real and what isn’t? How can you separate fact from fiction? Join us today as we journey through God’s ...
Perseverance: Praying Through Life’s Challenges. A Nehemiah Battle Plan
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Who was Nehemiah? What did he do? What can we learn about prayer and perseverance from his story in the Old Testament? What does God teach us about prayer in His Word? Why should we pray through life’s challenges? This is Kay Meyer, president of Family Shield Ministries and your host for today’s program. My guest today is Donna Pyle, ...