
First Time Dads

First Time Dads

Fathers have a great influence on the lives of their children, and first time dads will encounter many new experiences. They’ll examine those tiny fingers and toes and marvel at God’s creation. They’ll change diapers, endure sleepless nights, initiate tickle attacks, tell bedtime stories, and field seemingly unending questions. Join us today as I interview family ministry veteran and father ...
Gospel DNA

Gospel DNA

What are the five markers of a flourishing church? Why is the Gospel and having a passion for souls so critical in effective outreach? Can we again have millions of new believers in Jesus in the United State and thousands of new churches? Is it possible for the Christian church to become vibrant and relevant once again? join us today ...
Comparing Mormonism to Christianity

Comparing Mormonism to Christianity

Mormonism is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. Have you ever wondered in what specific ways Mormonism differs from the Christian faith? Join us today as I interview Bill McKeever, founder of Mormonism Research Ministry and author of Mormonism 101. The book provides answers to your questions and examines the major tenets of Mormon theology and compares ...
God Loves Moms Podcast

God Loves Moms

Have you ever thought about the moms in God’s Word? What kind of mom was Mary? Hannah? Eve? What kind of mom are you? Join us today as I interview the author of God Loves Moms. It explores what we know about women of the Bible and considers the work of God in their lives. Our listeners will be invited ...

Being Disfellowshipped from the Jehovah’s Witnesses

At the Witnesses Now for Jesus Convention in Pennsylvania many years ago, I sat at breakfast with Joan Cetnar, a former Jehovah’s Witness. I heard her story of what happened when she and her husband left the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. You see, they had come to know the true Christ of the Bible - the one who is ...
Give Your Marriage One More Try

Give Your Marriage One More Try

Is your marriage worth fighting for? If you’ve ever said, “I can’t take it anymore, I want out!” or “Enough is enough!” then today’s program featuring Dr. Gary Chapman, and his book, One More Try is a program you need to hear. He’ll give you the courage and confidence to move forward when your marriage seems to be falling apart.
Discipline and the Five Love Languages of Children

Discipline and the Five Love Languages of Children

Which of the following words is negative: love, warmth, laughter, discipline? The answer is none. Contrary to what many people think, discipline is not a negative word. Discipline comes from the Greek word that means “to train.” Discipline involves the long and vigilant task of guiding a child from infancy to adulthood. The goal is that the child would reach ...
Family Shield's Easter Special

Family Shield’s Easter Special

Jesus said to his disciples, “My soul is deeply grieved to the point of death. Remain here and keep watch with me.” Then He prayed, “My father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me, yet not as I will but as Thou wilt.” How did spending time in prayer prepare Jesus for what was ahead? What was ...
Lenten and Easter Activities

Lenten and Easter Activities for Children and Families

How do we help our children and youth understand the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ? What are some Lenten and Easter activities that we can do with our children? Join us today as I interview Krista Young on the topic of Easter and today's families. She's the director of Christian education and youth ministry at Hope Lutheran Church ...
Teaching Teens to Defend Their Faith

Teaching Teens to Defend Their Faith

Many Christian teenagers journey through life in today’s world without much thought about their faith. How can parents teach teens to share the Gospel with effectiveness in our secular culture? How can we train our teens to defend their faith in Christ with caring concern? Why should we help teens learn how to defend their faith by asking pointed questions ...