A Birth Mother’s Story
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Terri was 19 years old when her father suddenly died in a car accident, and she had a serious relationship end. She didn’t know how to grieve those losses. She says, “During that time in my life I was an emotional wreck.” She drank too much, and then became pregnant. Although she didn’t know the Lord at that time, today ...
Resolving Conflicts Biblically
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|How do you deal with conflict? Do you run and hide when it occurs and just keep ignoring it; or do you explode in anger when conflict happens your life? Both of these are inappropriate ways to deal with conflict. Why not learn how to respond to conflict Biblically? A few years ago as an LCMS reconciler, I was asked ...
Reaching Native American Indians for Christ
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|What do you know about Native Americans? Did you know that there are 2.9 Million American Indians and Alaska natives in the United States? Or that Indian youth have the highest rate of suicide among all ethnic groups in the United States? Did you know that American Indians and Alaska natives are the victims of violent crime at rates nearly ...
Hope When Your Heart Breaks
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|When grief and loss enter our life it can knock the wind out of us. Grief can come from broken relationships, the loss of a job, dashed hopes and dreams, divorce, or the death of a loved one. The losses can crush your spirit and cause you great pain. How do you find hope when your heart breaks?Join us today ...
Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|The Bible tells us Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It also tells us Satan is the father of lies and the god of this world. Why does the Church avoid the topic of Satan, evil spirits and spiritual warfare today? How does Satan masquerade as an angel of light? As Christians what can we do when we ...
Introduction to Islam
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Christians and Muslims live side-by-side in the United States, yet we know very little about each other's beliefs. What do Muslims believe and teach? Who was Muhammad? What is the Quran? What do Muslims think of the Bible? What do Muslims believe about Jesus? How is it different from what Christians believe, and how can we share our Christian faith ...
Jumpstart Your Witness
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|How can Christians prepare to witness to those who ask them about the hope they have in Christ? Why is gentleness and respect so important? Join us today on Family Shield - our topic is Jumpstart Your Witness. My guest is Reverend Gregory Seltz.
Loved and Sent
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|How do we find identity and meaning in today's world? What does it mean to be loved and sent? Why do so many non-Christians have misperceptions about Christianity and how can we address them? Join us today as I interview Reverend Jeff Cloeter, author of Loved and Sent. He shares his own quest for identity, meaning, and share stories of ...
Heaven–The Undiscovered Country
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Every person who has ever lived has wondered about the place beyond mortality. Shakespeare called it the undiscovered country. God's word tells us about our souls -- our bodies in heaven. What happens at the moment of death? Will we recognize and know our loved ones in heaven? What is heaven actually like? What will we do there? Join me ...
Do’s and Do not’s When Witnessing to Mormons
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Do you have a family member or friend who is a Mormon that you want to share your faith with? How do you begin? What are some do's and do not's for witnessing to a Mormon? Join us today as we learn about Truth and Love Ministry. They help equip Christians to witness to those involved in the Church of ...